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Programming Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Fifth Edition

By : Marije Brummel, David Studebaker, Christopher D. Studebaker
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Programming Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Fifth Edition

By: Marije Brummel, David Studebaker, Christopher D. Studebaker

Overview of this book

Microsoft Dynamics NAV is a full business solution suite, and a complete ERP solution that contains a robust set of development tools to support customization and enhancement. These tools provide greater control over financials and can simplify supply chain, manufacturing, and operations. This book will take you from an introduction to Dynamics NAV and its integrated development tools to being a productive developer in the Dynamics NAV Development Environment. You will find this book very useful if you want to evaluate the product's development capabilities or need to manage Dynamics NAV based projects. It will teach you about the NAV application structure, the C/SIDE development environment, the C/AL language paired with the improved editor, the construction and uses of each object type, and how it all fits together to build universal applications. With this new edition, you will be able to understand how to design and develop using Patterns and new features such as Extensions and Events.
Table of Contents (10 chapters)


Reports have always been available in NAV as a data retrieval tool. Reports are used to process and/or manipulate the data through the Insert, Modify, or Delete functions with the option of presenting the data in a formatted, printable format. Prior to NAV 2013, data selection could only be done using C/AL code or DataItem properties to filter individual tables as datasets, and to perform loops to find the data required for the purpose. Then the Query object was created with performance in mind. Instead of multiple calls to SQL to retrieve multiple datasets to then be manipulated in C/AL, Queries allow us to utilize familiar NAV tools to create advanced T-SQL queries.

An NAV developer can utilize the new Query object as a source of data both in NAV and externally. Some of the external uses of NAV Queries are as follows:

  • A web service source for SOAP, OData, and OData
  • Feeding data to external reporting tools...