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R Bioinformatics Cookbook

By : Dan MacLean
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R Bioinformatics Cookbook

By: Dan MacLean

Overview of this book

Handling biological data effectively requires an in-depth knowledge of machine learning techniques and computational skills, along with an understanding of how to use tools such as edgeR and DESeq. With the R Bioinformatics Cookbook, you’ll explore all this and more, tackling common and not-so-common challenges in the bioinformatics domain using real-world examples. This book will use a recipe-based approach to show you how to perform practical research and analysis in computational biology with R. You will learn how to effectively analyze your data with the latest tools in Bioconductor, ggplot, and tidyverse. The book will guide you through the essential tools in Bioconductor to help you understand and carry out protocols in RNAseq, phylogenetics, genomics, and sequence analysis. As you progress, you will get up to speed with how machine learning techniques can be used in the bioinformatics domain. You will gradually develop key computational skills such as creating reusable workflows in R Markdown and packages for code reuse. By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a solid understanding of the most important and widely used techniques in bioinformatic analysis and the tools you need to work with real biological data.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)

Plotting and presenting RNAseq data

Plotting the RNAseq data en masse or for individual genes or features is an important step in QC and understanding. In this recipe, we'll see how to make gene count plots in samples of interest, how to create an MA plot that plots counts against fold change and allows us to spot expression-related sample bias, and how to create a volcano plot that plots significance against fold change and allows us to spot the most meaningful changes easily.

Getting ready

In this recipe, we'll use the DESeq2 package, the ggplot2 package, magrittr, and dplyr. We'll use the DESeqDataSet object we created for the modencodefly data in Recipe 2a saved version is in the datasets/ch1/modencode_dds.RDS file in this book's data repository.

How to do it...

  1. Load libraries and create a dataframe of RNAseq results:

dds <- readRDS("~/Desktop/r_book/datasets/ch1/modencode_dds.RDS")
  1. Create a boxplot of counts for a single gene, conditioned on "stage":
plotCounts(dds, gene="FBgn0000014", intgroup = "stage", returnData = TRUE) %>%
  ggplot() + aes(stage, count) + geom_boxplot(aes(fill=stage)) + scale_y_log10() + theme_bw()
  1. Create an MA plot with coloring conditioned on significance:
result_df <- results(dds, contrast=c("stage","L2Larvae","L1Larvae"), tidy= TRUE) %>%

ggplot(result_df) + aes(baseMean, log2FoldChange) + geom_point(aes(colour=is_significant)) + scale_x_log10() + theme_bw()
  1. Create a volcano plot with coloring conditioned on significance:
ggplot(result_df) + aes(log2FoldChange, -1 * log10(pvalue))  + geom_point(aes(colour=is_significant)) + theme_bw()

How it works...

Step 1 is brief and loads the dataset and libraries we'll need.

In Step 2, we take advantage of a couple of useful parameters in the plotCounts() and results() functions from DESeq2. The returnData flag in plotCounts() will optionally return a tidy dataframe of count information for a given gene in a given condition, hence allowing us to send the data through ggplot() to make a boxplot for an individual gene. The magrittr %>% operator allows us to send the return value of plotCounts() straight to the first positional argument of ggplot() without saving in an intermediate variable.

In Step 3, we use the results() function from DESeq2 to get the results dataframe, which we pipe to dplyr mutate() in order to add a new column called is_significant containing TRUE if the value of the padj column is lower than 0.05. We then use the returned result_df dataframe in a ggplot() command to make a scatter plot of baseMean (count) against log2 fold change, with points colored by the is_significant variable, effectively colored by whether the P value is lower than 0.05 or not.

In Step 4, we use the same result_df dataframe to plot log2fold change against the negative log10 of the 'pvalue' to give a 'volcano' plot of the relationship between P and differential expression level:

The preceding three plots are the combined resultant output of these three ggplot() commands.