Operational Readiness
Organizations have to follow a set of guidelines to ensure that they can effectively operate and manage risks. These guidelines are based on common sense as well as experience. Certain industries impose additional guidelines on companies to ensure that operational risk is contained so as to not negatively affect users or the ecosystem. Examples of the latter are Basel-2 and HIPAA.
As companies adopt cloud technologies and move workloads to the cloud, existing guidelines have to be adapted. In this section, we discuss this topic from two viewpoints:
- Is the cloud operationally ready for the company?
- Is the application that’s moving to the cloud operationally ready?
Operationalizing the cloud
As a company adopts a new platform, its processes, roles, and responsibilities must be revisited to determine whether they still apply or need to be tailored. The same is true when you adopt a public, dedicated, or private cloud.
Using a RACI matrix
Operationalizing the...