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The Cloud Adoption Playbook

By : Moe Abdula, Ingo Averdunk, Roland Barcia, Kyle Brown, Ndu Emuchay
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The Cloud Adoption Playbook

By: Moe Abdula, Ingo Averdunk, Roland Barcia, Kyle Brown, Ndu Emuchay

Overview of this book

As cloud technologies continue to challenge the fundamental understanding of how businesses work, smart companies are moving quickly to adapt to a changing set of rules. Adopting the cloud requires a clear roadmap backed by use cases, grounded in practical real-world experience, to show the routes to successful adoption. The Cloud Adoption Playbook helps business and technology leaders in enterprise organizations sort through the options and make the best choices for accelerating cloud adoption and digital transformation. Written by a team of IBM technical executives with a wealth of real-world client experience, this book cuts through the hype, answers your questions, and helps you tailor your cloud adoption and digital transformation journey to the needs of your organization.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Free Chapter
Title Page
End User License Agreement

Sports Analogies or the Lack Thereof

We have named this book The Cloud Adoption Playbook. There are two reasons for this; first, we’re following in the footsteps of our friend and colleague Sanjeev Sharma, who wrote the DevOps Adoption Playbook in 2017. This book can be considered a companion volume to that book, as the two are complementary. You don’t need to read Sanjeev’s book to gain from this book but if you do read his book, and we recommend you do, you will learn a lot about many of the same subjects from a different perspective.

But the second reason is that we call this a playbook for the same reason that Sanjeev called his book a playbook. We’re both drawing from the sports analogy where a playbook (in either basketball or American football) is the book that contains the plans and actions that a team carries out during a game.

Unlike Sanjeev’s book, we’re going to go super-light on the sports analogies; in fact, you’ll not find...