3.1 Different Types of IPC
Based on fault‐tolerant techniques adopted, there are three types of IPC [8, 9]: element level coverage (ELC), fault level coverage (FLC), and performance dependent coverage (PDC).
Under ELC, also known as a single‐fault model, each component has a particular fault coverage and is associated with a certain coverage probability or factor. This coverage probability does not depend on status of other components belonging to the same system. Under ELC, effectiveness of the system recovery and reconfiguration mechanism relies on the occurrence of each individual fault. For any particular component fault, the recovery mechanism's success or failure is independent of other component faults occurring in the same system. It is possible that a system can tolerate multiple coexisting single component faults.
Under FLC, also known as a multi‐fault model, the fault coverage probability depends on the number of failed components within a particular...