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Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Advanced Deployment

By : Martyn Coupland
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Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Advanced Deployment

By: Martyn Coupland

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Advanced Deployment
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Using the service manager utility

The service manager tool is a part of the console. This tool does not require additional download. It is responsible for listing the various services and threads of those services that are running on specific servers in your hierarchy.

The tool enables you to view specific components that are either running or stopped and allows you to start, stop, and restart these specific services. Configuration Manager runs a number of processes off a single service, which is known as threads. Without the service manager, restarting a single service such as SMS_EXECUTIVE will result in the restart of lots of different threads within one service.

The service manager allows you to control the restarts of individual threads. This can be useful for troubleshooting and is commonly used when you want to force a component to attempt a reinstallation after it has failed.

Determining when to use the utility

In effect, the utility prevents the need for needlessly restarting the full...