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Mastering NGINX - Second Edition

By : Dimitri Aivaliotis
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Mastering NGINX - Second Edition

By: Dimitri Aivaliotis

Overview of this book

NGINX is a high-performance HTTP server and mail proxy designed to use very few system resources. But despite its power it is often a challenge to properly configure NGINX to meet your expectations. Mastering Nginx is the solution – an insider’s guide that will clarify the murky waters of NGINX’s configuration. Tune NGINX for various situations, improve your NGINX experience with some of the more obscure configuration directives, and discover how to design and personalize a configuration to match your needs. To begin with, quickly brush up on installing and setting up the NGINX server on the OS and its integration with third-party modules. From here, move on to explain NGINX's mail proxy module and its authentication, and reverse proxy to solve scaling issues. Then see how to integrate NGINX with your applications to perform tasks. The latter part of the book focuses on working through techniques to solve common web issues and the know-hows using NGINX modules. Finally, we will also explore different configurations that will help you troubleshoot NGINX server and assist with performance tuning.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Mastering NGINX - Second Edition
About the Author
About the Reviewer
Directive Reference
Persisting Solaris Network Tunings

Appendix A. Directive Reference

This appendix lists the configuration directives used throughout the book. There are also some directives that did not appear in the book, but are listed here for completeness. The entries have been expanded to show under which context each directive may be used. If a directive has a default value, it has been listed as well. These directives are current as of NGINX version 1.9.11. The most up-to-date list can be found at



Context / default value


Serializes the accept() method on new connections by worker processes.

Valid context: events

Default value: on


The maximum time a worker process will wait to accept new connections if another worker is already doing this.

Valid context: events

Default value: 500ms


Describes where and how are to be written. The first parameter is a path to the file where the logs are to be stored. Variables may be used in constructing the path. The special value, off, disables the access log. An optional second parameter indicates the log_format directive that will be used to write the logs. If no second parameter is configured, the predefined combined format is used. An optional third parameter indicates the size of the buffer if write buffering should be used to record the logs. If write buffering is used, this size cannot exceed the size of the atomic disk write for that filesystem.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, if in location, and limit_except

Default value: logs/access.log combined


Adds the result of processing a subrequest after the response body.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Adds the result of processing a subrequest before the response body.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Adds fields to a header present in responses with the HTTP codes 200, 204, 206, 301, 302, 303, 304, or 307.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, and if in location

Default value: -


Lists the MIME types of a response in addition to text/html, in which an addition will be made. May be * to enable all MIME types.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: text/html


Enables the use of asynchronous file I/O. It is available on all modern versions of FreeBSD and distributions of Linux. On FreeBSD, aio may be used to preload data for sendfile. Under Linux, directio is required, which automatically disables sendfile.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Defines another name for the location, as found on the filesystem. If the location is specified with a regular expression, the alias directive should reference captures defined in that regular expression.

Valid context: location

Default value: -


Allows access from this IP address, network, or all.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, and limit_except

Default value: -


One or more strings, which if found in the User-Agent header, will indicate that the browser is considered ancient by setting the $ancient_browser variable to the ancient_browser_value directive.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


The value to which the $ancient_browser variable will be set.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 1


Enables authentication using HTTP Basic Authentication. The string parameter is used as the realm name. If the special value, off, is used, this indicates that the auth_basic value of the parent configuration level is negated.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, and limit_except

Default value: off


The location of a file of the username:password:comment tuples used to authenticate users. The password needs to be encrypted with the crypt algorithm. The comment is optional.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, and limit_except

Default value: -


The server used for authenticating the POP3/IMAP user.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: -


Sets an additional header (first parameter) to the specified value (second parameter).

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: -


Specifies whether to pass the PEM-encoded client certificate as the Auth-SSL-Cert header.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: off


The maximum amount of time NGINX will wait when communicating with an authentication server.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: 60s


The URI to which an authorization subrequest should be sent.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


The given variable to the value, which may contain variables from the authorization request.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


The automatic generation of a directory listing page.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Indicates whether the file sizes in a directory listing page should be listed in bytes or rounded to kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location.

Default value: on


The format to be used for the directory listing.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: html


Sets the file modification time in a directory listing page to either local time (on) or UTC (off).

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Ends the processing of the rewrite module directives found within the same context.

Valid contexts: server, location, and if

Default value: -


Adds the character set specified to the Content-Type response header. If this is different than the source_charset directive, a conversion is performed.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, and if in location

Default value: off


Sets up a conversion table from one character set to another. Each character code is specified in hexadecimal. The files conf/koi-win, conf/koi-utf, and conf/win-utf include mappings from koi8-r to windows-1251, from koi8-r to utf-8, and from windows-1251 to utf-8, respectively.

Valid context: http

Default value: -


Lists the MIME types of a response in addition to text/html, in which a character set conversion will be made. It may be * to enable all MIME types.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default values: text/html, text/xml, text/plain, text/vnd.wap.wml, application/x-javascript, and application/rss+xml


Allows disabling the standard HTTP/1.1 chunked transfer encoding in responses to clients.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


Used to set a buffer size for the client request body larger than the default two memory pages, in order to prevent temporary files from being written to disk.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 8k|16k (platform dependent)


Used for debugging or further processing of the client request body; this directive can be set to on to force saving the client request body to a file. The value, clean, will cause the files to be removed after the request processing has finished.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


This directive will force NGINX to save the entire client request body in a single buffer, to reduce copy operations.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Defines a directory path for saving the client request body. If a second, third, or fourth parameter is given, these specify a subdirectory hierarchy with the parameter value as the number of characters in the subdirectory name.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: client_body_temp


Specifies the length of time between successive read operations of the client body. If reached, the client receives a 408 error message (Request Timeout).

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 60s


Used for specifying a buffer size for the client request header, when this needs to be larger than the default 1 KB.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: 1k


Specifies the length of time for reading the entire client header. If reached, the client receives a 408 error message (Request Timeout).

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: 60s


Defines the largest allowable client request body, before a 413 (Request Entity Too Large) error is returned to the browser.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 1m


Fine tunes per-connection memory allocation.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default values: 256 (on 32-bit platforms) and 512 (on 64-bit platforms)


Allows recursive directory creation when using WebDAV.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Sets whether or not to daemonize the NGINX process.

Valid context: main

Default value: on


Sets filesystem access permissions for newly-created files and directories. If group or all is specified, user may be omitted.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: user:rw


Allows the specified HTTP and WebDAV methods. When PUT is used, a temporary file is first created, and then renamed. So, it's recommended to put client_body_temp_path on the same filesystem as the destination. A modification date for such files may be specified in the Date header.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Enables debug logging for any client matching the value of this directive. It may be specified multiple times. To debug UNIX-domain sockets, use unix:.

Valid context: events

Default value: -


When debugging, the process will either create a core file (abort) or stop (stop) so that a system debugger may be attached.

Valid context: main

Default value: -


Sets the default MIME type of a response. This comes into play if the MIME type of the file cannot be matched to one of those specified by the types directive.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: text/plain


Denies access from this IP address, network, or all.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, and limit_except

Default value: -


Enables the operating system-specific flag or function for serving files larger than the parameter given. This directive is required when using aio on Linux.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Sets the alignment for directio. The default value of 512 is usually enough, although it's recommended to increase this to 4K when using XFS on Linux.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 512


For more information on this directive, refer to the table (The HTTP file path directives) given in the Finding files section in Chapter 6, The NGINX HTTP Server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Causes a 1x1 pixel transparent GIF to be emitted for that location.

Valid context: location

Default value: -


Sets the environment variables for use in the following ways:

  • Inheritance during a live upgrade

  • Making use of them in the perl module

  • Making them available to worker processes

  • Specifying the variable alone will use the value found in the nginx environment

  • Setting a variable may be done in the form, var=value

  • N.B. NGINX is an internal variable and shouldn't be set by the user.

Valid context: main

Default value: TZ


The error_log file is where all errors will be written. It may be set to a file or stderr. If no other error_log is given in a separate context, this log file will be used for all errors, globally. A second parameter to this directive indicates at which level (debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, emerg) errors will be written to the log. Note that the debug level errors are only available if the --with-debug configuration switch was given at compile time.

Valid contexts: main, http, server, and location

Default value: logs/error.log error


Defines a URI to be served when an error level response code is encountered. Adding an = parameter allows the response code to be changed. If the argument to this parameter is left empty, the response code will be taken from the URI, which must in this case be served by an upstream server of some sort.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, and if in location

Default value: -


Disables automatically generating the ETag response header for static resources.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


Defines a new context in which connection-processing directives are specified.

Valid context: main.

Default value: -


For more information on this directive, refer to the table (Header modifying directives) given in the Caching in the filesystem section in Chapter 7, NGINX for the Application Developer.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, and if in location

Default value: off


Specifies the address that should be used for outgoing connections to a FastCGI server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


The size of the buffer used for the first part of the response from the FastCGI server, in which the response headers are found.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 4k|8k (platform dependent)


Whether or not to buffer responses from the FastCGI server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


The number and size of buffers used for the response from a FastCGI server, for a single connection.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 4k|8k (platform dependent)


The total size of the buffer space allocated to sending the response to the client while still being read from the FastCGI server. This is typically set to two fastcgi_buffers.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 4k|8k (platform dependent)


Defines a shared memory zone to be used for caching.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


One or more string variables, which when nonempty or nonzero, will cause the response to be taken from the FastCGI server instead of the cache.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


A string used as the key for storing and retrieving cache values.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Enabling this directive will prevent multiple requests from making an entry into the same cache key.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


The time for an entry to appear in the cache or one final request will be made.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 5s


The length of time a request will wait for an entry to appear in the cache or for the fastcgi_cache_lock to be released.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 5s


This directive specifies the methods that are present in the client request in order for it to be cached.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: GET HEAD


The number of requests for a certain key needed before a response is cached.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 1


For more information on this directive, refer to the table (FastCGI directives) given in the Using NGINX with PHP-FPM section in Chapter 6, The NGINX HTTP Server.

Valid context: http

Default value: -


Whether the If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match headers should be used to revalidate expired cache entries.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


The cases under which it is acceptable to serve stale cached data when an error occurs while accessing the FastCGI server. The updating parameter indicates the case when fresh data are being loaded.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Indicates the length of time for which a cached response with response code 200, 301, or 302 is valid. If an optional response code is given before the time parameter, this time is only for that response code. The special parameter, any, indicates that any response code should be cached for that length of time.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


The maximum amount of time NGINX will wait for its connection to be accepted when making a request to a FastCGI server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 60s


Forces byte-range support, irrespective of the value of the Accept-Ranges header.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


A list of header fields that should not be passed on to the client.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


If set to on, NGINX will not abort the connection to a FastCGI server if the client aborts the connection.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Sets which headers may be disregarded when processing the response from the FastCGI server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Sets the name of a file to be appended to $fastcgi_script_name that ends with a slash.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


If enabled, NGINX will display a configured error_page directive instead of the response directly from the FastCGI server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Enables the keepalive connections to the FastCGI servers by instructing the server not to immediately close the connection.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


If buffering is enabled, the bytes/s at which the response from the FastCGI server will be read.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 0 (disabled)


The maximum size of the overflow file; this directive is written when the response doesn't fit into the memory buffers.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 1024m


For more information on this directive, refer to the table (FastCGI directives) given in the Using NGINX with PHP-FPM section in Chapter 6, The NGINX HTTP Server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: error timeout


The time limit for passing the request to the next server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 0


The number of tries before the request is passed to the next server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 0


One or more string variables, which when nonempty or nonzero will instruct NGINX not to save the response from the FastCGI server in the cache.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Sets a parameter and its value to be passed to the FastCGI server. If the parameter should only be passed when the value is nonempty, the additional if_not_empty parameter should be set.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Specifies the FastCGI server to which the request is passed, either as an address:port combination or as unix:path for a UNIX-domain socket.

Valid contexts: location and if in location

Default value: -


Overrides the disabled headers set in fastcgi_hide_header, allowing them to be sent to the client.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Whether or not the original request body will be passed to the FastCGI server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


Specifies whether or not the headers of the original request will be passed to the FastCGI server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


Specifies the length of time that needs to elapse between two successive read operations from a FastCGI server before the connection is closed.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 60s


Whether or not the complete client request body will be buffered before sending the request to the FastCGI server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


This is a FreeBSD directive. When nonzero, it will tell NGINX to use either the NOTE_LOWAT kqueue method or the SO_SNDLOWAT socket option with the specified size when communicating with an upstream server. This directive is ignored in Linux, Solaris, and Windows.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 0


The length of time that needs to elapse between two successive write operations to a FastCGI server before the connection is closed.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 60s


Defines a regular expression with two captures. The first capture will be the value of the $fastcgi_script_name variable. The second capture becomes the value of the $fastcgi_path_info variable.

Valid context: location

Default value: -


Enables storing responses retrieved from a FastCGI server as files on the disk. The on parameter will use the alias or root directive as the base path under which to store the file. A string may instead be given, to indicate an alternative location to store the files.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Sets file access permissions for the newly-created fastcgi_store files.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: user:rw


Limits the amount of data buffered to a temporary file at one time so that NGINX will not be blocked for too long on a single request.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 8k|16k (platform dependent)


In this directory, temporary files may be buffered as they are proxied from the FastCGI server, optionally multilevel deep. If a second, third, or fourth parameter is given, these parameters specify a subdirectory hierarchy with the parameter value as the number of characters in the subdirectory name.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: fastcgi_temp


Activates the flv module for this location.

Valid context: location

Default value: -


Defines a new context, in which a variable is set to a specified value, dependent on the IP address found in another variable. If no other variable is specified, $remote_addr is used to determine the IP address. The format of the context definition is as follows:

geo [$address-variable] $variable-to-be-set { … }

The following parameters are recognized within the context:

  • delete: Deletes the specified network

  • default: The variable will be set to this value if no IP address matches

  • include: Includes a file of address-to-value mappings

  • proxy: Defines an address or network of a direct connection from which the IP address will be taken from the X-Forwarded-For header

  • proxy_recursive: Works with proxy to specify that the last address in a multi-valued X-Forwarded-For header will be used

  • ranges: When defined, it indicates that the following addresses are specified as ranges

Valid context: http

Default value: -


The path to a GeoIP database file containing IP address-to-city mappings. The following variables then become available:

  • $geoip_city_country_code: Two-letter country code

  • $geoip_city_country_code3: Three-letter country code

  • $geoip_city_country_name: Country name

  • $geoip_region: Country region name

  • $geoip_city: City name

  • $geoip_postal_code: Postal code

Valid context: http

Default value: -


The path to a GeoIP database file containing the IP address-to-country mappings. The following variables then become available:

  • $geoip_country_code: Two-letter country code

  • $geoip_country_code3: Three-letter country code

  • $geoip_country_name: Country name

Valid context: http

Default value: -


The path to a GeoIP database file containing the IP address-to-organization mappings. The following variable then becomes available:

  • $geoip_org: Organization name

Valid context: http.

Default value: -


Defines an address or network of a direct connection from which the IP address will be taken from the X-Forwarded-For header.

Valid context: http

Default value: -


Works with geoip_proxy to specify that the last address in a multivalued X-Forwarded-For header will be used.

Valid context: http

Default value: off


Enables the decompression of the gzip files when the client doesn't support gzip.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Specifies the number and size of buffers used for decompressing a response.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 32 4k|16 8k (platform dependent)


Enables or disables the compression of responses.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, and if in location

Default value: off


Specifies the number and size of buffers used for compressing a response.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 32 4k|16 8k (platform dependent)


The gzip compression level (1-9).

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 1


A regular expression of user-agents that shouldn't receive a compressed response. The special value, msie6, is a shortcut for MSIE [4-6]\., excluding MSIE 6.0; ... SV1.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


The minimum HTTP version of a request before compression is considered.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 1.1


The minimum length of a response before compression is considered, determined by the Content-Length header.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 20


Refer to the table (The Gzip module directives) in the Compressing data section in Chapter 5, Reverse Proxy Advanced Topics.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Enables checking for precompressed files to be delivered directly to clients that support the gzip compression.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


The MIME types that should be compressed with gzip, in addition to the default text/html value. It may be * to enable all MIME types.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: text/html


Enables or disables the response header, Vary: Accept-Encoding, if gzip or gzip_static is active.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


The key that is used to map to the upstream server for each request. To use the ketama consistent hashing algorithm instead of rehashing when servers are added or removed, specify the consistent parameter.

Valid context: upstream

Default value: -


Sets up a configuration context in which the HTTP server directives are specified.

Valid context: main

Default value: -


Sets the maximum chunk size for the response body.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 8k


The amount of time with no activity after which the connection is closed.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: 3m


Sets the number of HTTP/2 streams that may be active in a single connection.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: 128


Sets the maximum size of the compressed request header field.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: 4k


Sets the maximum size of the uncompressed request headers.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: 16k


The size of the input buffer for each worker.

Valid context: http

Default value: 256k


The amount of time a client has to send data before the connection is closed.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: 30s


Refer to the table (The rewrite module directives) given in the Introducing the rewrite module section in Appendix B, The Rewrite Rule Guide.

Valid contexts: server and location

Default value: -


Controls how the modification time of a response is compared to the value of the If-Modified-Since request header:

  • off: The If-Modified-Since header is ignored

  • exact: An exact match is made (default)

  • before: The modification time of the response is less than or equal to the value of the If-Modified-Since header

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: exact


Disables ignoring headers with invalid names. A valid name is composed of ASCII letters, numbers, the hyphen, and possibly the underscore (controlled by the underscores_in_headers directive).

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: on


Refer to the table (The image filter directives) given in the Generating images section in Chapter 7, NGINX for the Application Developer.

Valid context: location

Default value: -


The size of the buffer used to process images. If more memory is needed, the server will return a 415 error (Unsupported Media Type).

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 1M


Whether or not to interlace images produced by this filter.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


The quality of the resulting JPEG image, after processing. The value is not recommended to exceed 95.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 75


Increases the sharpness of a processed image by this percentage.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 0


Disables preserving the transparency of the transformed GIF and PNG images. The default value, on, preserves transparency.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


Sets the supported client authentication mechanism. It can be one or more of login, plain, or cram-md5.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: plain


The IMAP4 capabilities that are supported by the backend server.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: IMAP4 IMAP4rev1 UIDPLUS


Sets the size of the read buffer for the IMAP commands.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: 4k|8k (platform dependent)


The path to a file containing additional configuration directives. It may be specified as glob to include multiple files.

Valid context: any

Default value: -


Defines the file that will be served to the client when a URI ending with / is received. It may be multivalued.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: index.html


Specifies a location that can only be used for internal requests (redirects defined in other directives, the rewrite requests, and similar request processing directives).

Valid context: location

Default value: -


Ensures the distribution of clients evenly over all server contexts by hashing the IP address, keying on its class C network.

Valid context: upstream

Default value: -


The number of connections to the upstream servers that are cached per worker process. When used with the HTTP connections, proxy_http_version should be set to 1.1 and proxy_set_header to Connection.

Valid context: upstream

Default value: -


Disables the keepalive requests for certain browser types.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: msie6


Defines how many requests may be made over one keepalive connection before it is closed.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 100


Specifies how long a keepalive connection will stay open. A second parameter may be given, to set a Keep-Alive header in the response.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 75s


Defines the maximum number and size of a large client request header.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: 4 8k


Activates the load-balancing algorithm where the server with the least number of active connections is chosen for the next new connection.

Valid context: upstream

Default value: -


Specifies a shared memory zone (configured with limit_conn_zone) and the maximum number of connections that are allowed per key value.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


When NGINX limits a connection due to the limit_conn directive, this directive specifies at which log level that limitation is reported.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: error


Which response code to send to the client when the request is rejected.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 503


Specifies the key to be limited in limit_conn as the first parameter. The second parameter, zone, indicates the name of the shared memory zone used to store the key and current number of connections per key and the size of that zone (name:size).

Valid context: http

Default value: -


Will limit a location to the specified HTTP verb(s) (GET also includes HEAD).

Valid context: location

Default value: -


Limits the rate (in bytes per second) at which clients can download content. The rate limit works on a connection level, meaning that a single client could increase their throughput by opening multiple connections.

Valid context: http, server, location, and if in location

Default value: 0


Starts the limit_rate directive after this number of bytes has been transferred.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, and if in location

Default value: 0


Sets a limit with bursting capability on the number of requests for a specific key in a shared memory store (configured with limit_req_zone). The burst may be specified with the second parameter. If there shouldn't be a delay in between requests up to the burst, a third parameter, nodelay, needs to be configured.

Valid context: http, server, and location

Default value: -


When NGINX limits the number of requests due to the limit_req directive, this directive specifies at which log level that limitation is reported. A delay is logged at a level one less than the one indicated here.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Which response code to send to the client when the request is rejected.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 503


Specifies the key to be limited in limit_req as the first parameter. The second parameter, zone , indicates the name of the shared memory zone used to store the key and current number of requests per key and the size of that zone (name:size). The third parameter, rate, configures the number of requests per second (r/s) or per minute (r/m) before the limit is imposed.

Valid context: http

Default value: -


Deprecated. Use limit _conn_zone instead.

Valid context: http

Default value: -


This directive specifies how a client connection will be kept open for more data.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


In connection with the lingering_close directive, this directive will specify how long a client connection will be kept open for processing more data.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 30s


Also in conjunction with lingering_close, this directive indicates how long NGINX will wait for additional data before closing the client connection.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

default value: 5s

listen (http)

Refer to the table (the lis ten parameters) given in the The virtual server section in Chapter 2, A Configuration Guide.

Valid context: server

Default value: *:80 | *:8000

listen (mail)

The listen directive uniquely identifies a socket binding under NGINX. It takes the following parameter:

  • bind: Makes a separate bind() call for this address:port pair

Valid context: server

Default value: -


Defines a new context based on the request URI.

Valid contexts: server and location

Default value: -


The prefix name for the lock files. Depending on the platform, a lock file may be needed to implement accept_mutex and shared memory access serialization.

Valid context: main

Default value: logs/nginx.lock


Specifies which fields should appear in the log file and what format they should take.

Valid context: http

Default value: combined $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local], "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent, and "$http_referer""$http_user_agent"'


Disables reporting of 404 errors in the error log.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


Enables the logging of subrequests in the access log.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Sets up a configuration context in which the mail server directives are specified.

Valid context: main

Default value: -


Defines a new context, in which a variable is set to a specified value, dependent on the value of a source variable. The format of the context definition is as follows:

map $source-variable $variable-to-be-set { … }

The string or strings to be mapped may also be regular expressions. The following parameters are recognized within the context:

  • default: Sets a default value for the variable if the value of the source variable didn't match any of the strings or regular expressions specified

  • hostnames: Indicates that the source values may be hostnames with a prefix or suffix, glob

  • include: Includes a file with string-to-value mappings

Valid context: http

Default value: -


The bucket size used to hold the map hash tables.

Valid context: http

Default value: 32|64|128


The maximum size of the map hash tables.

Valid context: http

Default value: 2048


Determines whether or not to start worker processes.

Valid context: main

Default value: on


Sets the maximum number of ranges allowed in a byte-range request. Specifying 0 disables the byte-range support.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Specifies which address should be used for outgoing connections to a memcached server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


The size of the buffer for the response from memcached. This response is then sent synchronously to the client.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 4k|8k


The maximum length of time NGINX will wait for its connection to be accepted when making a request to a memcached server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 60s


Specifies a value, when found in the response from a memcached server, which will set the Content-Encoding header to gzip.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Refer to the table (The memcached module directives) given in the Caching in the database section in Chapter 7, NGINX for the Application Developer.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: error timeout


How much time can pass before the request is passed to the next server. (The default value is disabled.)

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 0


How many tries are made before the request is passed to the next server. (The default value is disabled.)

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 0


Specifies the name or address of a memcached server and its port. It may also be a server group, as declared in an upstream context.

Valid contexts: location and if in location

Default value: -


This directive specifies the length of time that needs to elapse between two successive read operations from a memcached server before the connection is closed.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 60s


The length of time that needs to elapse between two successive write operations to a memcached server before the connection is closed.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 60s


Disables the removal of multiple slashes. The default value of on means that NGINX will compress two or more / characters into one.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: on


Allows the WebDAV DELETE method to remove files when at least this number of elements is present in the request path.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 0


Specifies a browser and version parameter, which together will indicate that the browser is considered modern by setting the $modern_browser variable to modern_browser_value. The browser parameter may take one of the following values: msie, gecko, opera, safari, or konqueror. An alternative parameter unlisted may be specified to indicate that any browser not found in ancient_browser nor in modern_browser or has a missing User-Agent header is considered modern.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


The value to which the $modern_browser variable will be set.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 1


Activates the mp4 module for this location.

Valid context: location

Default value: -


Sets the initial buffer size for delivering the MP4 files.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 512K


Sets the maximum size of the buffer used to process the MP4 metadata.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 10M


Enables the disabling of adding comments to responses with a status greater than 400 for the MSIE clients, in order to pad the response size to 512 bytes.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


This directive enables the sending of a refresh instead of a redirect for the MSIE clients.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Instructs a worker process to accept all new connections at once. This directive is disregarded if the kqueue event method is used because kqueue reports the number of new connections waiting to be accepted.

Valid context: events

Default value: off


Configures a cache that can store open file descriptors, directory lookups, and file lookup errors.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Enables the caching of the file lookup errors by the open_file_cache directive.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Configures the minimum number of uses for a file within the inactive parameter to open_file_cache for that file descriptor to remain open in the cache.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 1


Specifies the time interval between the validity checks for the items in the open_file_cache directive.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 60s


For more information on this directive, refer to the table (HTTP logging directives) given in the Logging in NGINX section in Chapter 6, The NGINX HTTP Server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Indicates whether the charset specified in the Content-Type header of a response received from a proxy_pass or fastcgi_pass request should be converted or not. If the response comes as a result of a subrequest, conversion to the main request's charset will always be performed.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, and if in location

Default value: off


Enables just-in-time compilation of Perl-compatible regular expressions known at configuration time. JIT support needs to be enabled in the PCRE library to make use of this speedup.

Valid context: main

Default value: off


Activates a Perl handler for this location. The argument is the name of the handler or a string describing a full subroutine.

Valid contexts: location and limit_except

Default value: -


Specifies an additional search path for Perl modules.

Valid context: http

Default value: -


Indicates a Perl module that will be loaded at each NGINX reconfiguration. It may be specified multiple times for separate modules.

Valid context: http

Default value: -


Installs a Perl handler to set the value of a variable. The argument is the name of the handler or a string, describing a full subroutine.

Valid context: http

Default value: -


The file where the process ID of the main process will be written, overwriting the compiled-in default.

Valid context: main

Default value:


Sets the supported client authentication mechanism. It can be one or more of plain, apop, or cram-md5.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: plain


Indicates the POP3 capabilities that are supported by the backend server.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: TOP USER UIDL


Determines whether or not the port will be specified in a redirect method issued by NGINX.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


Specifies the minimum size of data for NGINX to send to the client. If possible, no data will be sent until this value is reached.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 1460


Indicates the protocol that is supported by this mail server context. It may be one of imap, pop3, or smtp.

Valid context: server

Default value: -


Enables or disables e-mail proxying.

Valid context: server

Default value: -


Specifies the address that should be used for outgoing connections to a proxied server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Allows setting the size of the buffer used for the mail proxy connection beyond the default of one page.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: 4k|8k (platform dependent)


The size of the buffer used for the first part of the response from the upstream server, in which the response headers are found.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 4k|8k (platform dependent)


Activates the buffering of proxied content; when switched off, responses are sent synchronously to the client as soon as they are received.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


The number and size of buffers used for responses from upstream servers.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 8 4k|8k (platform dependent)


The total size of buffer space allocated to sending the response to the client while still being read from the upstream server. This is typically set to two proxy_buffers.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 8k|16k (platform dependent)


Defines a shared memory zone to be used for caching.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


One or more string variables, which when nonempty or nonzero, will cause the response to be taken from the upstream server instead of the cache.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Converts HEAD to GET when caching.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


A string used as the key for storing and retrieving cache values.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: $scheme$proxy_host$request_uri


Enabling this directive will prevent multiple requests from making an entry into the same cache key.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


How long to wait for the proxy_cache_lock directive before passing the request to the upstream server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 5s


The length of time a request will wait for an entry to appear in the cache or for the proxy_cache_lock directive to be released.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 5s


Which methods indicate that a request will be cached.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: GET HEAD


The number of requests for a certain key needed before a response is cached.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 1


For more information on this directive, to the table (Proxy module caching directives) given in the Caching data section in Chapter 5, Reverse Proxy Advanced Topics.

Valid context: http

Default value: -


Enables revalidation, depending on the values of the If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match headers.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


The cases under which it is acceptable to serve stale cached data when an error occurs accessing the upstream server. The updating parameter indicates the case when fresh data are being loaded.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Indicates the length of time for which a cached response with the response code, 200, 301, or 302, is valid. If an optional response code is given before the time parameter, this time is only for that response code. The special parameter, any, indicates that any response code should be cached for that length of time.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


The maximum amount of time NGINX will wait for its connection to be accepted when making a request to an upstream server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 60s


Replaces the domain attribute of the Set-Cookie header from the upstream server; the domain to be replaced can either be a string or a regular expression, or reference a variable.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Replaces the path attribute of the Set-Cookie header from the upstream server; the path to be replaced can either be a string or a regular expression, or reference a variable.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Forces byte-range support irrespective of the value of the Accept-Ranges header.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


The bucket size used to hold proxy header names (one name cannot be longer than the value of this directive).

Valid contexts: http, server, location, and if

Default value: 64


The total size of headers received from the upstream server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 512


A list of header fields that should not be passed on to the client.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


The HTTP protocol version used to communicate with upstream servers (use 1.1 for keepalive connections).

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 1.0


If set to on, NGINX will not abort the connection to an upstream server if the client aborts the connection.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Sets the headers that may be disregarded when processing the response from the upstream server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


If enabled, NGINX will display a configured error_page instead of the response directly from the upstream server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


If buffering is enabled, the bytes/s at which the response from the upstream server will be read.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 0 (disabled)


The maximum size of the overflow file, written when the response doesn't fit into memory buffers.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 1024m


The HTTP method to substitute when proxying to the upstream server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Indicates the conditions under which the next upstream server will be selected for the response. This won't be used if the client has already been sent something. The conditions are specified using the following parameters:

  • error: An error occurred while communicating with the upstream server

  • timeout: A timeout occurred while communicating with the upstream server

  • invalid_header: The upstream server returned an empty or otherwise invalid response

  • http_500: The upstream server responded with a 500 error code

  • http_503: The upstream server responded with a 503 error code

  • http_504: The upstream server responded with a 504 error code

  • http_404: The upstream server responded with a 404 error code

  • off: Disables passing the request to the next upstream server when an error occurs

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: error timeout


The number of seconds that pass before giving the request to the next server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 0 (disabled)


The number of tries before passing the request to the next server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 0 (disabled)


Defines the conditions under which the response will not be saved to the cache. The parameters are string variables, which evaluate to something nonempty and nonzero to not cache.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Specifies the upstream server to which the request is passed, in the form of a URL.

Valid contexts: location, if in location, and limit_except

Default value: -


Useful in situations where the backend authentication process emits a useful error message to the client.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: off


Overrides the disabled headers set in proxy_hide_header, allowing them to be sent to the client.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Prevents sending the body of the request to the upstream server if set to off.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


Prevents sending the headers of the request to the upstream server if set to off.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


Specifies the length of time that needs to elapse between the two successive read operations from an upstream server before the connection is closed.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 60s


Rewrites the Location and Refresh headers received from the upstream servers; this directive is useful for working around assumptions made by an application framework.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: default


Whether or not the complete client request body will be buffered before sending the request to the upstream server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


If non-zero, NGINX will try to minimize the number of send operations on outgoing connections to a proxied. It is ignored in Linux, Solaris, and Windows.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 0


The length of time that needs to elapse between two successive write operations to an upstream server before the connection is closed.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 60s


The body of a request sent to an upstream server may be altered by setting this directive.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Rewrites the contents of the headers sent to an upstream server; this directive may also be used to not send certain headers by setting its value to the empty string.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: Host $proxy_host and Connection close


The path to a PEM-encoded file of the certificate to use for authenticating with an HTTPS upstream server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


The path to a PEM-encoded file of the secret key to use to use for authenticating with an HTTPS upstream server.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Sets whether or not SSL sessions may be reused when proxying.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


Enables storing responses retrieved from an upstream server as files on disk. The on parameter will use the alias or root directive as the base path under which to store the file. A string may instead be given to indicate an alternative location to store the files.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Sets file access permissions for the newly-created proxy_store files.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: user:rw


Limits the amount of data buffered to a temporary file at one time so that NGINX will not be blocked for too long on a single request.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 8k|16k (platform dependent)


A directory where temporary files may be buffered as they are proxied from the upstream server, optionally multilevel deep. If a second, third, or fourth parameter is given, these specify a subdirectory hierarchy with the parameter value as the number of characters in the subdirectory name.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: proxy_temp


If a timeout beyond the default of 24 hours is required, this directive can be used.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: 24h


Activates randomly choosing a file to be served to the client when a URI ending with / is received.

Valid context: location

Default value: off


If possible, the kernel will preread files up to the size parameter. This directive is supported on current FreeBSD and Linux (the size parameter is ignored on Linux).

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 0


Sets the header whose value is used as the client IP address when set_real_ip_from matches the connecting IP.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: X-Real-IP


Works with set_real_ip_from, to specify that the last address in a multivalued real_ip_header header will be used.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Enables doing more than one redirect using the error_page directive (default is off).

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


The bucket size of the valid referers hash tables.

Valid contexts: server and location

Default value: 64


The maximum size of the valid referers hash tables.

Valid contexts: server and location

Default value: 2048


Fine tunes per-request memory allocation.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: 4k


With this directive enabled, connections that have been timed out will immediately be reset, freeing all associated memory. The default value is to leave the socket in the FIN_WAIT1 state, which will always be the case for the keepalive connections.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Configures one or more name servers to be used to resolve upstream server names into IP addresses. An optional valid parameter overrides the TTL of the domain name record (now commercial).

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Sets the timeout for name resolution (now commercial).

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 30s


Stops processing and returns the specified code to the client. The nonstandard code, 444, will close the connection without sending any response headers. If a code additionally has text accompanying it, the text will be placed in the response body. If instead, a URL is given after the code, this URL will be the value of the Location header. A URL without a code is treated as a code 302.

Valid contexts: server, location, and if

Default value: -


For more information on this directive, refer to the table (The rewrite module directives) given in the Introducing the rewrite module section in Appendix B, The Rewrite Rule Guide.

Valid contexts: server, location, and if

Default value: -


Activates notice level logging of rewrites to the error_log.

Valid contexts: http, server, if in server, location, and if in location

Default value: off


Sets the path to the document root. Files are found by appending the URI to the value of this directive.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, and if in location

Default value: html


Allows access if all or any of the access or auth_basic directives grant access. The default value, all, indicates that a user must come from a specific network address and enter the correct password.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: all


This is deprecated. Use the any parameter of the satisfy directive.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


A salt used to compute the MD5 hash of a URI.

Valid context: location

Default value: -


If non-zero, NGINX will try to minimize the number of send operations on client sockets. This directive is ignored in Linux, Solaris, and Windows.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 0


This directive sets a timeout between two successive write operations for a client receiving a response.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 60s


Enables using sendfile(2) to directly copy data from one file descriptor to another.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, if in location

Default value: off


Sets the maximum size of data to copy in one sendfile(2) call to prevent a worker from seizing.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 0

server (http)

Creates a new configuration context, defining a virtual host. The listen directive specifies the IP address(es) and port(s); the server_name directive lists the Host header values that this context matches.

Valid context: http

Default value: -

server (upstream)

For more information on this directive, refer to the table (The upstream module directives) given in the The upstream module section in Chapter 4, NGINX as a Reverse Proxy.

Valid context: upstream

Default value: -

server (mail)

Creates a new configuration context, defining a mail server. The listen directive specifies the IP address(es) and port(s); the server_name directive sets the name of the server.

Valid context: mail

Default value: -

server_name (http)

Configures the names that a virtual host may respond to.

Valid context: server

Default value: ""

server_name (mail)

Sets the name of the server, which is used in the following ways:

  • The POP3/SMTP server greeting

  • The salt for SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication

  • The EHLO name when using xclient to talk to an SMTP backend

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: hostname


Activates using the first value of the server_name directive in any redirect issued by NGINX within this context.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


The bucket size used to hold the server_name hash tables.

Valid context: http

Default value: 32|64|128 (processor dependent)


The maximum size of the server_name hash tables.

Valid context: http

Default value: 512


Disables sending the NGINX version string in error messages and the Server response header (default value is on).

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


This directive sets a given variable to a specific value.

Valid context: server, location, and if

Default value: -


Defines the connecting address(es) from which the client IP will be extracted from the real_ip_header directive. The value, unix:, means that all connections from the UNIX-domain sockets will be treated this way.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


The size of the slice to use when splitting a request into smaller, cacheable subrequests.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 0


Sets the supported SASL client authentication mechanism. It can be one or more of login, plain, or cram-md5.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default values: login and plain


Indicates the SMTP capabilities that are supported by the backend server.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: -


Sets the TCP kee palive parameter on the socket connection to the proxied server.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: off


Defines the charset of a response. If it is different from the defined charset, a conversion is performed.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, and if in location

Default value: -


Creates a context in which variables appropriate to A/B (or split) testing are set. The string specified in the first parameter is hashed using MurmurHash2. The variable specified in the second parameter is then set to a value based on how the string falls within the range of hash values. The match is specified as either a percentage or * to place weights on the values.

Valid context: http

default value: -


Enables the processing of SSI files.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, and if in location

Default value: off


Sets the minimum size of a file above which it should be sent using sendfile(2).

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 1k


Suppresses the error message normally output when an error occurs during SSI processing.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Lists the MIME types of a response in addition to text/html in which the SSI commands are processed. It may be * to enable all MIME types.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: text/html


Sets the maximum length of values for parameters used in Server Side Includes.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 256

ssl (http)

Enables the HTTPS protocol for this virtual server.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: off

ssl (mail)

Indicates if this context should support the SSL/TLS transactions.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: off


The size of the buffer to use for sending data. Set low to minimize Time To First Byte.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: 16k

ssl_certificate (http)

The path to the file containing the SSL certificate for this server_name in the PEM format. If intermediate certificates are required, they need to be added in order after the certificate corresponding to the server_name directive, up to the root, if necessary.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: -

ssl_certificate (mail)

The path to the PEM-encoded SSL certificate(s) for this virtual server.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: -

ssl_certificate_key (http)

This directive specifies the path to the file containing the SSL certificate's secret key.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: -

ssl_certificate_key (mail)

The path to the PEM-encoded SSL secret key for this virtual server.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: -


The ciphers that should be supported in this virtual server context (OpenSSL format).

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5


The path to the file containing the PEM-encoded public CA certificate(s) of the certificate authorities used to sign client certificates.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: -


The path to the file containing the PEM-encoded certificate revocation list (CRL) for the client certificates that are to be verified.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: -


The path to a file containing the DH parameters, used for the EDH ciphers.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: -


The curve to use for the ECDHE ciphers.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: prime256v1


Specifies a hardware SSL accelerator.

Valid context: main

Default value: -


The path to a file, which contains passphrases for the secret keys used, one per line.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: -

ssl_prefer_server_ciphers (http)

Indicates that the server's ciphers are to be preferred over the client's ciphers when using the SSLv3 and TLS protocols.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: off

ssl_prefer_server_ciphers (mail)

Indicates that SSLv3 and TLSv1 server ciphers are preferred over the client's ciphers.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: off

ssl_protocols (http)

Indicates the SSL protocols that should be enabled.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: TLSv1, TLSv1.1, and TLSv1.2

ssl_protocols (mail)

Indicates the SSL protocols that should be enabled.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: TLSv1, TLSv1.1, and TLSv1.2

ssl_session_cache (http)

Sets the type and size of the SSL cache to store the session parameters. A cache can be one of the following types:

  • off: Clients are told that sessions won't be reused at all

  • none: Clients are told that sessions are reused, but they aren't really

  • builtin: An OpenSSL builtin cache used by only one worker with a size specified in sessions

  • shared: A cache shared by all worker processes, given a name and session size specified in megabytes

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: none

ssl_session_cache (mail)

Sets the type and size of the SSL cache to store session parameters. A cache can be one of the following types:

  • off: In this cache, clients are told that sessions won't be reused at all

  • none: In this cache, clients are told that sessions are reused, but they aren't really

  • builtin: In this cache, an OpenSSL built-in cache used by only one worker with a size specified in sessions

  • shared: This cache is shared by all worker processes, and is given a name and session size specified in megabytes

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: none

ssl_session_timeout (http)

This directive specifies how long the client can use the same SSL parameters, provided they are stored in the cache.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: 5m

ssl_session_timeout (mail)

This directive specifies how long the client can use the same SSL parameters, provided they are stored in the cache.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: 5m


This directive enables the stapling of OCSP responses. The CA certificate of the server's issuer should be contained in the file specified by ssl_trusted_certificate. A resolver should also be specified to be able to resolve the OCSP responder hostname.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: off


This directive specifies the path to a DER-formatted file containing the stapled OCSP response.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: -


This directive specifies a URL specifying the OCSP responder. Only URLs beginning with http:// are currently supported.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: -


This directive enables the verification of OCSP responses.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: -


This directive specifies the path to a file containing PEM-formatted SSL certificates of the CA's signing client certificates and OCSP responses when ssl_stapling is enabled.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: -


Enables the verification of SSL client certificates. If the optional parameter is specified, a client certificate will be requested and, if present, verified. If the optional_no_ca parameter is specified, a client certificate is requested, but doesn't require it to be signed by a trusted CA certificate.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: off


Sets how many signers will be checked before declaring the certificate invalid.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: 1


Indicates whether or not STLS/STARTTLS are supported and/or required for further communication with this server.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: off


The string to be matched without regards to case and the string to be substituted into that match. The substitution string may contain variables.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Setting this directive to off will cause the match in sub_filter to be made as many times as the string is found.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


Lists the MIME types of a response in addition to text/html in which a substitution will be made. It may be * to enable all MIME types.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: text/html


Enables or disables the TCP_NODELAY option for keepalive connections.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: on


This directive is relevant only when the sendfile directive is used. This directive enables NGINX to attempt to the send response headers in one packet, as well as sending a file in full packets.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


A named thread pool used for file I/O, so worker processes don't block.

Valid context: main

Default value: default threads=32 maxqueue=65536


The amount of time NGINX will wait before a connection to the backend server is finalized.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: 60s


Specifies how often gett imeofday() is called instead of each time a kernel event is received.

Valid context: main

Default value: -


Tests the existence of files given as parameters. If none of the previous files are found, the last entry is used as a fallback, so ensure that this path or named location exists.

Valid contexts: server and location

Default value: -


Sets up a map of MIME types to filename extensions. NGINX ships with a conf/mime.types file that contains most MIME type mappings. Using include to load this file should be sufficient for most purposes.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: This value is as follows:

text/html html;

image/gif gif;

image/jpeg jpg


The bucket size used to hold the types hash tables.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 32|64|128 (processor dependent)


The maximum size of the types hash tables.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: 1024


Enables the use of the underscore character in client request headers. If left at the default value off, evaluation of such headers is subject to the value of the ignore_invalid_headers directive.

Valid contexts: http and server

Default value: off


Controls whether or not warnings about uninitialized variables are logged.

Valid contexts: http, server, location, and if

Default value: on


Sets up a named context in which a group of servers is defined.

Valid context: http

Default value: -


The use directive indicates the connection processing method that should be used. This will overwrite the compiled-in default value, and must be contained in an events context, if used. It is especially useful when the compiled-in default value is found to produce errors over time.

Valid context: events

Default value: -


The user and group under which the worker processes will run is configured using this parameter. If the group is omitted, a group name equal to that of the user will be used.

Valid context: main

Default value: nobody nobody


Activates the module, according to the following parameters:

  • on: Setsversion 2 cookies and logs those received

  • v1: Sets version 1 cookies and logs those received

  • log: Disables the setting of cookies, but enables the logging of them

  • off: Disables both the setting of cookies and the logging of them

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Configures a domain to be set in the cookie.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: none


Sets the age of the cookie. If the keyword max is used, this directive translates to 31 Dec 2037 23:55:55 GMT.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Sets the first character of the tail of the base64 representation of the userid_name cookie.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Sets the name of the cookie.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: uid


Configures the P3P header.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Defines the path set in the cookie.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: /


Identity of the service that set the cookie. For example, the default value for Version 2 cookies is the IP address of the server that set the cookie.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: The IP address of the server


Defines the values of the Referer header that will cause the $invalid_referer variable to be set to an empty string. Otherwise, it will be set to 1. The parameters can be one or more of the following:

  • none: There is no Referer header

  • blocked: The Referer header is present, but empty or lacking a scheme

  • server_names: The Referer value is one of the server_names parameters

  • arbitrary string: The value of the Referer header is a server name with or without URI prefixes and * at the beginning or end

  • regular expression: Matches the text after the scheme in the Referer header's value

Valid context: server and location

Default value: -


The bucket size used to hold the remaining variables.

Valid context: http

Default value: 64


The maximum size of the hash that holds the remaining variables.

Valid context: http

Default value: 1024


The number of open asynchronous I/O operations for a single worker process when using aio with epoll.

Valid context: events

Default value: 32


This directive configures the maximum number of simultaneous connections that a worker process may have open. This includes, but is not limited to, the client connections and connections to upstream servers.

Valid context: events

Default value: 512


Binds worker processes to CPU sets, as specified by a bitmask. This directive is only available on FreeBSD and Linux.

Valid context: main

Default value: -


Sets the scheduling priority for worker processes. This directive works like the nice command, with a negative number being a higher priority.

Valid context: main

Default value: 0


This is the number of worker processes that will be started. These processes will handle all connections made by clients. Choosing the right number is a complex process; a good rule of thumb is to set this equal to the number of CPU cores.

Valid context: main

Default value: 1


Changes the limit on core file size of a running process.

Valid context: main

Default value: -


Changes the limit on the number of open files of a running process.

Valid context: main

Default value: -


Changes the limit on the number of pending signals of a running process when using the rtsig connection processing method.

Valid context: main

Default value: -


The current working directory for worker processes. It should be writable by the worker to produce core files.

Valid context: main

Default value: -


The SMTP protocol allows checking based on the IP, HELO, or LOGIN parameters, which are passed via the XCLIENT command. This directive enables NGINX to communicate this information.

Valid contexts: mail and server

Default value: on


The path to the DTD that declares the character entities referenced in the XML to be processed.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

default value: -


Whether or not to preserve the Last-Modified header when doing an XSLT transformation.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: off


Parameters passed to the stylesheets, whose values are the XPath expressions.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


Parameters passed to the stylesheets, whose values are strings.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: -


The path to an XSLT stylesheet used to transform an XML response. Parameters may be passed as a series of key/value pairs.

Valid context: location

Default value: -


Lists the MIME types of a response in addition to text/xml, in which a substitution will be made. It may be * to enable all MIME types. If the transformation results in an HTML response, the MIME type will be changed to text/html.

Valid contexts: http, server, and location

Default value: text/xml