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Active Directory with PowerShell

By : Pamarthi Venkata Sitaram, YELLAPRAGADA U PADMAVATHI
5 (1)
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Active Directory with PowerShell

5 (1)
By: Pamarthi Venkata Sitaram, YELLAPRAGADA U PADMAVATHI

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Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Active Directory with PowerShell
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Creating different types of security groups

As mentioned before, there are different types of security groups available in Active Directory: global, domain local, and universal. You may refer to the TechNet article at to know more about group scopes.

To create a new group in Active Directory, the New-ADGroup cmdlet can be used. This cmdlet accepts three parameters. These are name of the group, the Organizational Unit path in AD, and groupScope, such as domain local/global/universal. Of these, name and groupScope need to be provided mandatorily.

Here is the simple command line to create a new blank AD group in AD with no members in it.

The following command creates a new Active Directory group of type DomainLocal in the specified OU:

New-ADGroup -Name "Test Group1" -Path  "OU=Groups,OU=Prod,DC=techibee,DC=ad" -groupScope domainlocal

Similarly, to create other group types, change the parameter -groupScope. The following sample...