About the Reviewers
David Green is an IT professional from the south of England with a wealth of experience from both the public and private sectors. Currently working in the private sector for a leading food manufacturing company, David is always looking to provide robust and scalable solutions that contribute to business objectives. He writes on his blog about little projects and solutions he finds, helps where he can, and generally tries to learn something useful every day. This is the first of hopefully many opportunities that David will have to contribute to a book.
More information can be found on his website: http://www.tookitaway.co.uk/.
Ross Stone (MCITP, MCSA) is a Windows system administrator with many years of experience in deploying and managing Active Directory, Windows servers, and a wide range of Microsoft technologies.
He is currently working at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and is responsible for managing the Active Directory and Windows infrastructure estate.
More information can be found on his website at http://rossstone.net.
Nisarg Vora is currently a senior at Penn State University, specializing in software design and development with a minor in security and risk analysis. He also works for Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, where he is responsible for server and database management as well as application development to manage Windows Active Directory by developing and integrating PowerShell scripts in C# applications.
Apart from his education and work, as a part of his current research project at Penn State University, he is developing a Google Glass application for first emergency responders to help them receive all necessary information with ease in emergency situations.
In his free time, he loves playing his favorite games online with his friends, and due to his interest in gaming as well as development, he has started developing a Unity platform-based 2D games for iOS. He currently has an online portfolio at http://nisargvora.com and plans to add a blog in the near future.