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Getting Started with BizTalk Services

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Getting Started with BizTalk Services

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Getting Started with BizTalk Services
About the Authors
About the Reviewers


In this chapter, we've looked at strategies and approaches for moving from BizTalk Server to BizTalk Services and some of the features that will be added to BizTalk Services that will make this easier. We tried to cover all the main building blocks of the BizTalk Server architecture and their equivalents (or alternatives) in BizTalk Services. As you've seen, while there is a significant overlap of functionality, it will take time for the BizTalk Services feature set to mature to the same level. The future for BizTalk Services is bright, and a fundamental tenet of Microsoft's cloud-first vision is to deliver frequent updates and enhancements in a way that simply isn't possible with shrink-wrapped on-premises products. Therefore, one can expect Microsoft to become even more customer focused and be able to action feedback and feature requests quicker than previously possible, all of which will enable Microsoft to help you move your existing solutions to the cloud.