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Wireshark Essentials

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Wireshark Essentials

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Editing trace files with Editcap

You can use Editcap to split a trace file that is too large to work with in Wireshark into multiple smaller files, extract a subset of a trace file based on a start and stop time, alter timestamps, remove duplicate packets, and a number of other useful functions.

Type editcap –h in the command prompt for a list of options. The syntax to extract a single packet or a range of packets by packet numbers is as follows:

editcap  –r  <infile>  <outfile>  <packet#> [- <packet#>]

You must specify <infile> and <outfile>. The –r specifies to keep, not delete, the specified packet or packet range, for example:

editcap  –r  MergedTraces.pcapng   packetrange.pcapng   1-5000

You can split a source trace file into multiple sequential files, each containing the number of packets specified by the –c option:

editcap  –c 5000  MergedTraces.pcapng   SplitTrace.pcapng

You can eliminate duplicate packets in a file within a five-packet proximity...