Installing and configuring Nginx
To begin this chapter, we will need to install the web server Nginx on our CentOS system. Nginx is the new kid on the block in terms of web servers, but in recent surveys from NetCraft,, we have seen that the Internet has fallen a little out of love with Apache, with Nginx making steady rises since its introduction in 2004. That said, in May 2014, Apache still had 37 percent of the web server share with Microsoft at 33 percent and Nginx at 14 percent.
Installing Nginx
Nginx is not part of the standard repositories, but we can use the EPEL repository that we used to install the 389-ds we looked at in Chapter 7, LDAP – A Better Type of User. With the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository in place, we can install using yum, and then once we have Nginx installed, we can start the service and configure it with chkconfig
to start on the system boot:
# yum install nginx # service nginx start # chkconfig nginx on
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