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Puppet Cookbook - Third Edition

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Puppet Cookbook - Third Edition

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Puppet Cookbook Third Edition
About the Authors
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Passing parameters to classes

Sometimes it's very useful to parameterize some aspect of a class. For example, you might need to manage different versions of a gem package, and rather than making separate classes for each that differ only in the version number, you can pass in the version number as a parameter.

How to do it…

In this example, we'll create a definition that accepts parameters:

  1. Declare the parameter as a part of the class definition:

      class eventmachine($version) {
        package { 'eventmachine': provider => gem, ensure   => $version,
  2. Use the following syntax to include the class on a node:

      class { 'eventmachine':
        version => '1.0.3',

How it works…

The class definition class eventmachine($version) { is just like a normal class definition except it specifies that the class takes one parameter: $version. Inside the class, we've defined a package resource:

  package { 'eventmachine':
    provider => gem,
    ensure   => $version,

This is a gem package...