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Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Learning Puppet
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Accessing reports via the Puppet Enterprise Console

Our Puppet deployments in the earlier chapters were triggered by executing the puppet agent -t command on the command line. The output of the command gave us a break down of the events that happened during the Puppet run in detail. The runonce task that we just performed on the web-clone.development.vm node didn't provide us any feedback on whether the Puppet run was a success or a failure. That's because the Puppet run triggered by Live Management is done using the component called Mcollective (we briefly discussed Mcollective in Chapter 6, Scaling Up the Puppet Environment). Mcollective is a message queue application. Although it is very good at passing messages from the Puppet Master to a large number of Puppet agents, it is not very good at reporting back on the activities that happen on the Puppet agent after the message has been processed from the message queue.

Puppet Enterprise provides a solution for this issue by exposing the Puppet...