Creating a delivery group
This is a relatively easier task and is less time-consuming. Delivery group is basically a collection of applications that are created from the Machine Catalog. Follow these steps:
In order to start the steps, first you have to move to the common task screen again. In that section, there is an option at the bottom that says Create a new Delivery Group. Click on it:
It will bring up the Introduction screen, where it will have the information about the delivery group and why we create a delivery group. Please spend some time to understand it and then click on Next:
On the next screen, you will get the option to choose the Machine Catalog to publish the application from. We only have one catalog available which was created in the last section. Also, you have to choose the number of machines that you want to use in this delivery group. Click on Next:
On the next screen, you will get three options of delivery type:
Desktop and applications
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