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Apache Maven Cookbook

By : Raghuram Bharathan
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Apache Maven Cookbook

By: Raghuram Bharathan

Overview of this book

If you are a Java developer or a manager who has experience with Apache Maven and want to extend your knowledge, then this is the ideal book for you. Apache Maven Cookbook is for those who want to learn how Apache Maven can be used for build automation. It is also meant for those familiar with Apache Maven, but want to understand the finer nuances of Maven and solve specific problems.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)

Analyzing code coverage with the Maven Cobertura plugin

Cobertura is another popular Java tool that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests. It is based on jcoverage. There are many ways to use Cobertura, including standalone, through Ant script, and Maven. Let us use the Maven Cobertura plugin.

How to do it...

Use the following steps to analyze the code coverage with the Maven Cobertura plugin:

  1. Open a Maven project that has unit tests (for instance, project-with-tests).

  2. Run the following command:

    mvn cobertura:cobertura
  3. Observe the following output:

    [INFO] <<< cobertura-maven-plugin:2.6:cobertura (default-cli) < [cobertura]test@ project-with-tests <<<
    [INFO] --- cobertura-maven-plugin:2.6:cobertura (default-cli) @ project-with-tests ---
    [INFO] Cobertura 2.0.3 - GNU GPL License (NO WARRANTY) - See COPYRIGHT file
    Report time: 165ms
    [ERROR] Nov 15, 2014 5:06:25 PM
    net.sourceforge.cobertura.coveragedata.CoverageDataFileHandler loadCoverageData
    INFO: Cobertura...