Unified Gateway
Unified Gateway is a new feature that was introduced in software version 11. It is a unified portal that allows access to all our users' applications in the same interface using the same URL. This might be XenApp/XenDesktop applications, or it might be SaaS, on-premises web-applications or other services that are load balanced using NetScaler. This means that we can set up multiple services for a customer using the same URL. This feature is built-up of other features in NetScaler, which has been around for many years, but Citrix did a bit of a polishing job of the Clientless Access portal.
In order to set up a Unified Gateway, we have to run the wizard available in the management portal. The wizard is configured to allow deployment of traditional NetScaler Gateway as well. Click on the Unified Gateway feature and choose Get Started. From there choose Single Public Access Point. Now, there are five feature that we need to configure in this deployment to get it up and running...