- Allinea MAP / The big picture
- reference link / Debugging and monitoring
- alternatives, Celery
- Python-RQ / Celery alternatives – Python-RQ
- Pyro / Celery alternatives – Pyro
- Amazon EC2 / Establishing a multimachine environment
- Amazon Elastic Beanstalk (EB)
- about / Cloud computing and AWS, Amazon elastic beanstalk
- reference link / Amazon elastic beanstalk
- Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) / Cloud computing and AWS
- Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) / Cloud computing and AWS
- Amazon Machine Image (AMI) / Creating an EC2 instance
- Amazon S3
- about / Cloud computing and AWS
- data, storing / Storing data in Amazon S3
- Amdahl's law / Amdahl's law, The first two chapters
- asynchronous programming
- example / An asynchronous example
- reference link / An asynchronous example
- and cloud computing / Cloud computing and AWS
- AWS account
- creating / Creating an AWS account
- reference link / Creating an AWS account
- AWS management console
- reference link / Creating an AWS account
- Celery
- installation link / Installing Celery
- installing / Installing Celery
- installation, testing / Testing the installation
- about / A tour of Celery
- complex applications / More complex Celery applications
- using, in production / Celery in production
- challenges, distributed system developers
- time / Common problems – clocks and time
- clock synchronization / Common problems – clocks and time
- software environments / Common problems – software environments
- permissions / Common problems – permissions and environments
- environments / Common problems – permissions and environments
- hardware resources, availability / Common problems – the availability of hardware resources
- development environment / Challenges – the development environment
- cloud
- and HPC world / The cloud and the HPC world
- cloud computing
- and AWS / Cloud computing and AWS
- CloudStack
- reference link / Creating a private cloud
- complain_about / Coroutines
- complex applications, Celery / More complex Celery applications
- compute nodes
- about / Your typical HPC cluster
- computer farms / Distributed computing
- Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) / Common problems – clocks and time
- coroutines
- about / Coroutines
- cProfile / The big picture
- CPython / Multiple threads
- Cray systems
- about / Your typical HPC cluster
- CUDA / Distributed computing
- Cython / The tools
- DAGMan (Directed Acyclic Graph Manager)
- Darshan
- reference link / Debugging and monitoring
- data trains / The first two chapters
- DDT / The big picture
- debugging
- defining / Debugging
- distributed applications
- debugging / The big picture
- distributed computing
- about / Distributed computing
- Distributed Resource Management Application API (DRMAA)
- distributed system developers
- challenges / Common problems – clocks and time
- Docker
- reference link / Common problems – software environments
- EC2 instance
- creating / Creating an EC2 instance
- embarrassingly parallel / Amdahl's law
- Eucalyptus
- reference link / Creating a private cloud
- event loop / Parallel computing
- flower
- reference link / Celery in production, A useful strategy – logging everything
- Ganglia
- reference link / Debugging and monitoring
- Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) / Multiple threads
- Grid Engine
- about / Job schedulers
- Gustafson's law / Amdahl's law, The first two chapters
- homebrew
- reference link / Installing Celery
- HPC cluster
- defining / Your typical HPC cluster
- HPC world
- and cloud / The cloud and the HPC world
- HTCondor
- about / Your typical HPC cluster
- used, for running Python job / Running a Python job using HTCondor
- HyperThreading / Testing the installation
- Intel VTune / The big picture
- iteration protocol / Coroutines
- job file
- job scheduler
- about / Your typical HPC cluster
- Job schedulers
- defining / Job schedulers
- Jython / Multiple threads
- line_profile / The big picture
- LoadLeveler
- about / Your typical HPC cluster
- logging strategy / A useful strategy – logging everything
- about / Job schedulers
- Luigi
- reference link / The tools
- manual, HTCondor
- mixed paradigm / The mixed paradigm
- monitoring / Debugging and monitoring
- multimachine environment
- establishing / Establishing a multimachine environment
- Multiple Application, Multiple User (MAMU) nodes
- about / Your typical HPC cluster
- multiple processes / Multiple processes
- multiple threads
- about / Multiple threads
- multiprocessing / Parallel computing, Multiple processes
- multiprocess queues / Multiprocess queues
- multithreaded programming / Parallel computing
- negotiation cycle
- about / Job schedulers
- Netflix Chaos Monkey
- reference link / A useful strategy – simulating components
- Network Time Protocol (NTP) / Common problems – clocks and time
- OpenAc / Distributed computing
- OpenCL / Distributed computing
- OpenStack
- reference link / Creating a private cloud
- parallel applications
- developing, issues / Closing thoughts
- parallel computing / Parallel computing
- PBS Pro
- about / Your typical HPC cluster
- pdb debugger / The big picture
- Portable Batch System (PBS)
- used, for running Python job / Running a Python job using PBS
- URL / Running a Python job using PBS
- POSIX / Multiple threads
- Principles of Distributed Computing
- reference link / Where to go next
- private cloud
- creating / Creating a private cloud
- PyPI / Common problems – software environments
- Pyro
- reference link / Celery alternatives – Pyro
- about / Celery alternatives – Pyro
- Python-RQ
- reference link / Celery alternatives – Python-RQ
- about / Celery alternatives – Python-RQ
- Python-specific tools
- reference links / The tools
- Python job
- running, HTCondor used / Running a Python job using HTCondor
- running, Portable Batch System (PBS) used / Running a Python job using PBS
- RabbitMQ
- reference link / Installing Celery
- administration guide, reference link / Installing Celery
- race condition / Multiple threads
- Raspberry Pi
- reference link / Establishing a multimachine environment
- Redis
- reference link / Installing Celery
- Sentry
- reference link / A useful strategy – logging everything, Debugging and monitoring
- service nodes
- about / Your typical HPC cluster
- share-nothing architecture / Multiple processes
- shared memory
- versus distributed memory / Shared memory versus distributed memory
- about / Job schedulers
- software components
- simulating / A useful strategy – simulating components
- SQLAlchemy
- reference link / Installing Celery
- submission file
- supervisord
- reference link / Celery in production
- tools / The tools
- Torque
- about / Your typical HPC cluster
- VirtualBox
- reference link / Establishing a multimachine environment