Responding to infections that often occur
Microsoft is making Windows more and more secure every day. This is a huge focus for the developer team, because a security risk for one person is a security risk for all. Time, money, information, as well as trying to be as productive as possible are all challenges that we must face. It's no secret that there is more malware developed to target Windows than other platforms, because it has a massive user target area.
Your business needs to be using the latest possible platform to be as safe as possible; these platforms are where the largest corporations, unfortunately, will have to use more time and money to keep up.
The result of that is they have to have even tighter and more secure environments, using strong firewalls, passwords, two-factor authentications, locked-down file systems, encrypted disks, memory sticks, locked-down USB ports, and so on. Then we have the ability to lock down and control all applications we want to allow running on the...