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Robust Cloud Integration with Azure

By : Gyanendra Kumar Gautam, Ashish Bhambhani, Abhishek Kumar, James Corbould, Mahindra Morar, Martin Abbott
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Robust Cloud Integration with Azure

By: Gyanendra Kumar Gautam, Ashish Bhambhani, Abhishek Kumar, James Corbould, Mahindra Morar, Martin Abbott

Overview of this book

Any software developers, architects, and technical managers lookng to learn about Azure IaaS essentials need look no further. This book is ideal for Microsoft Enterprise developers, DevOps or any IT professionals looking to connect cloud-based and on-premises systems with Azure.
Table of Contents (23 chapters)
Robust Cloud Integration with Azure
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The comparison between BizTalk server and Logic Apps

BizTalk Server has been around since 2000, and there has been a number of new product releases since then. It is a very mature platform with excellent enterprise integration capabilities. On the other hand, Logic Apps is a fairly recent edition to the Azure PaaS list.

Logic apps can be likened to a BizTalk orchestration but has a much easier learning curve, and you don't have the deployment hassle of a full BizTalk solution. Although Logic Apps and BizTalk Server are not functionally equivalent, they do have some similarities.

Most of the enterprise features available in BizTalk are now available in Logic Apps using the Logic Apps Enterprise Integration Pack. This provides the following features and capabilities:

  • XSLT-based maps

  • XML schemas

  • Trading Partners

  • Trading Partner Agreements

  • Certificates

The Enterprise Integration Pack is covered in more detail in Chapter 12, EAI / B2B Integration using Logic Apps.

Below is a comparison matrix between...