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Mastering VMware Horizon 7 - Second Edition

By : Barry Coombs
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Mastering VMware Horizon 7 - Second Edition

By: Barry Coombs

Overview of this book

Desktop virtualization can be a bit of a headache. But VMware Horizon 7 changes all that. With a rich and adaptive UX, improved security and a range of useful features for storage and networking optimization, there’s plenty to love. But to properly fall in love with it, you need to know how to use it. And that means venturing deeper into the software, taking advantage of its extensive range of features, many of which are underused and underpromoted. This guide will take you through everything you need to know to not only successfully virtualize your desktop infrastructure but also to maintain and optimize the infrastructure to keep all your users happy. We’ll show you how to assess and analyze your infrastructure, and how to use that analysis to design a solution that meets your organizational and user needs. Once you’ve done that, you’ll find out how to build your virtualized environment, before deploying your virtualized solution. But more than that, we’ll also make sure you know everything you need to know about the full range of features on offer, including mobile cloud, so you can use them to take full control of your virtualized infrastructure.
Table of Contents (19 chapters)
Mastering VMware Horizon 7 - Second Edition
About the Authors
About the Reviewer

URL Content Redirection

The URL Content Redirection feature allows you to configure a URL to either open on a local browser on the endpoint device, or open on the virtual desktop machine. Which content opens in which is configured by use of a GPO.

The use case for doing this is to separate internal browsing from internal browsing. It may be that if you want to look at secure content, then you would use the browser on the virtual desktop machine, as the data doesn't leave the data center and any other browsing can happen locally. Another case may be that you want to limit bandwidth usage into the data center and if users are browsing heavy content they can use their local Internet connection.

There are two types of URL that you can configure for redirection:

  • URLs that a user enters into the address bar of Internet Explorer

  • Links in an application such as Outlook or Word that users can click