Flow-based programming
We've talked about just a few of the differences between RAET and ZeroMQ. However, to really understand the benefits of RAET and how it affects you, it really helps to get at least a basic handle on flow-based programming (FBP), which RAET is designed on.
The pieces of the puzzle
All this may sound a little intimidating, but don't worry. We'll break it into smaller components first and then look at how these pieces fit together. FBP is based on three concepts:
Black boxes
Shared storage
Concurrent scheduling
These three types of components fit together to form a framework that can manage tasks very quickly and efficiently. Let's take a look at them individually.
Black boxes
The first puzzle piece is the black box. More accurately, black boxes really are the puzzle pieces themselves: they are organized by the scheduler and connected with shared storage.
Most simply, a black box is one thing that does another thing. That's not very specific, so let's go into more detail.
A black...