Running containers in the cloud
In Chapter 6, Deploying Your Application in Containers, we got a thorough look at how to deploy a Go application using modern container technologies. When it comes to deploying these containers into a cloud environment, you have a variety of different ways to do that.
One possibility to deploy containerized applications is using an orchestration engine such as Kubernetes. This is especially easy when you are using the Microsoft Azure cloud or the Google Cloud Platform. Both providers offer Kubernetes as a managed service, although not under that name; look for the Azure Container Service (AKS) or Google Container Engine (GKE).
Although AWS does not offer a managed Kubernetes service, they have a similar offering called EC2 Container Service (ECS). Since ECS is a service available exclusively on AWS, it is very tightly integrated with other AWS core services, which can be both an advantage and disadvantage. Of course, you can set up your own Kubernetes cluster...