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Cloud Foundry for Developers

By : Rahul Kumar Jain, Rick Farmer, David Wu
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Cloud Foundry for Developers

By: Rahul Kumar Jain, Rick Farmer, David Wu

Overview of this book

Cloud Foundry is the open source platform to deploy, run, and scale applications. Cloud Foundry is growing rapidly and a leading product that provides PaaS (Platform as a Service) capabilities to enterprise, government, and organizations around the globe. Giants like Dell Technologies, GE, IBM, HP and the US government are using Cloud Foundry innovate faster in a rapidly changing world. Cloud Foundry is a developer’s dream. Enabling them to create modern applications that can leverage the latest thinking, techniques and capabilities of the cloud, including: ? DevOps ? Application Virtualization ? Infrastructure agnosticism ? Orchestrated containers ? Automation ? Zero downtime upgrades ? A/B deployment ? Quickly scaling applications out or in This book takes readers on a journey where they will first learn the Cloud Foundry basics, including how to deploy and scale a simple application in seconds. Readers will build their knowledge of how to create highly scalable and resilient cloud-native applications and microservices running on Cloud Foundry. Readers will learn how to integrate their application with services provided by Cloud Foundry and with those external to Cloud Foundry. Readers will learn how to structure their Cloud Foundry environment with orgs and spaces. After that, we’ll discuss aspects of continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), monitoring and logging. Readers will also learn how to enable health checks, troubleshoot and debug applications. By the end of this book, readers will have hands-on experience in performing various deployment and scaling tasks. Additionally, they will have an understanding of what it takes to migrate and develop applications for Cloud Foundry.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Title Page
About the Authors
About the Reviewer
Customer Feedback

User accounts

A user account allows a user to log in to Cloud Foundry and perform certain operations that are limited by the roles assigned to them by the Cloud Foundry Administrator.

The user accounts can be created at an Org or Space level, based on the role they play in the organization. The same user can administer the Org and Space, or can be restricted to pushing applications to a given Space or Spaces.

Additionally, a user can span across multiple spaces in an Org, and under each Space, they can be controlled by the Space role.

Create a user using the cf CLI

Let us take a look at how to add a user to our cf-my-first-org Org in Pivotal PCF Dev. To do this, we need to specify the Cloud Foundry API endpoint of PCF Dev, which is, and also skip the SSL validation:

Figure 19: Login to the PCF Dev using cf CLI

Next, select the cf-my-first-org from the Org list presented to you on the command line:

Figure 20: Select the Org and Space upon successful login using cf CLI...