Types of Hiera data
As we've seen, Hiera data is stored in text files, structured using the format called YAML Ain't Markup Language, which is a common way of organizing data. Here's another snippet from our sample Hiera data file, which you'll find at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/pbg/data/common.yaml
on the VM:
syslog_server: '' monitor_ips: - '' - '' - '' - '' cobbler_config: manage_dhcp: true pxe_just_once: true
There are actually three different kinds of Hiera data structures present: single values, arrays, and hashes. We'll examine these in detail in a moment.
Single values
Most Hiera data consists of a key associated with a single value, as in the previous example:
syslog_server: ''
The value can be any legal Puppet value, such as a String, as in this case, or it can be an Integer:
apache_worker_factor: 100
Boolean values
You should specify Boolean values in Hiera as either true