- Active Directory (AD) server / The advantages of managing resources with Hiera data
- Amazon AWS account
- setting up / Setting up an Amazon AWS account
- creating / Creating an AWS account
- IAM policy, creating / Creating an IAM policy
- IAM user, creating / Creating an IAM user
- AWS credentials, storing / Storing your AWS credentials
- Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
- selecting / Choosing an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
- arithmetic expressions / Introducing expressions
- arrays
- creating / Creating arrays
- of resources, declaring / Declaring arrays of resources
- arrays, Hiera / Arrays
- attribute splat operator / Setting resource attributes from a hash, Provisioning AWS resources from Hiera data
- AWS credentials
- storing / Storing your AWS credentials
- AWS resources
- provisioning, from Hiera data / Provisioning AWS resources from Hiera data
- Hiera data iterating over, to create resources / Iterating over Hiera data to create resources
- unused resources, cleaning up / Cleaning up unused resources
- AWS SDK gem
- installing / Installing the AWS SDK gem
- bare word / Using Booleans
- batch jobs / Cron resources
- Boolean expressions / Introducing expressions
- Booleans
- using / Using Booleans
- Boolean values, Hiera / Boolean values
- bootstrap process / The bootstrap process
- branching / Branching
- case statements
- options, selecting / Choosing options with case statements
- catalog / Distributing Puppet manifests
- classes
- about / Classes
- class keyword / The class keyword
- parameters, declaring / Declaring parameters to classes
- automatic parameter lookup, from Hiera data / Automatic parameter lookup from Hiera data
- classes, managing with Hiera
- about / Managing classes with Hiera
- include, using with lookup() / Using include with lookup()
- common and per-node classes / Common and per-node classes
- cloud
- about / Introducing the cloud
- provisioning, automating / Automating cloud provisioning
- CloudFormation, using / Using CloudFormation
- Terraform, using / Using Terraform
- Puppet, using / Using Puppet
- CloudFormation
- using / Using CloudFormation
- commit message / Tracking changes, Making your first commit
- comparison operators / Meeting Puppet's comparison operators
- conditional expressions
- using / Using conditional expressions
- conditional statements / Conditional statements in templates
- Configuration management (CM)
- about / Configuration management tools
- containers
- about / Understanding containers, Introducing the container
- deployment issues / The deployment problem
- deployment, options / Options for deployment
- Docker role / What Docker does for containers
- managing, with Puppet / Managing containers with Puppet
- connecting / Connecting containers
- orchestration / Container orchestration
- orchestration, tools / What orchestration tools are available?
- Puppet, running / Running Puppet inside containers
- mini VMs / Are containers mini VMs or single processes?
- single processes / Are containers mini VMs or single processes?
- configuring, with Puppet / Configuring containers with Puppet
- Puppet, need for / Containers need Puppet too
- control repo / The control repo
- cron resources
- about / Cron resources
- attributes / Attributes of the cron resource
- cron jobs, randomizing / Randomizing cron jobs
- cron jobs, removing / Removing cron jobs
- cron table / Cron resources
- custom VPCs and subnets
- managing / Managing custom VPCs and subnets
- instance, creating / Creating an instance in a custom VPC
- ec2_vpc resource / The ec2_vpc resource
- ec2_vpc_internet_gateway resource / The ec2_vpc_internet_gateway resource
- ec2_vpc_routetable resource / The ec2_vpc_routetable resource
- ec2_vpc_subnet resource / The ec2_vpc_subnet resource
- other AWS resource types / Other AWS resource types
- declarative style / What is Puppet?
- deep merge behavior / Merge behaviors
- defined resource type
- about / Defined resource types
- Type aliases / Type aliases
- demo repo
- getting / Getting the demo repo
- copying / Copying the repo
- about / Understanding the demo repo
- control repo / The control repo
- module management / Module management
- classes / Classes
- roles / Roles
- profiles / Profiles
- users and access control / Users and access control
- SSH configuration / SSH configuration
- Sudoers configuration / Sudoers configuration
- time zone and clock synchronization / Time zone and clock synchronization
- Puppet configuration / Puppet configuration
- adapting, for own use / Adapting the repo for your own use
- users, configuring / Configuring users
- per-node data files, adding / Adding per-node data files and role classes
- role classes / Adding per-node data files and role classes
- bootstrap credentials, modifying / Modifying the bootstrap credentials
- dictionary / Hashes
- Docker
- deployment with / Deployment with Docker
- containers, building / Building Docker containers
- layered filesystem / The layered filesystem
- containers, mnanaging with Puppet / Managing containers with Puppet
- managing, with Puppet / Managing Docker with Puppet
- installing / Installing Docker
- container, running / Running a Docker container
- container, stopping / Stopping a container
- container multiple instances, running / Running multiple instances of a container
- Dockerfiles
- used, for building images / Building images from Dockerfiles
- managing / Managing Dockerfiles
- Docker images
- managing / Managing Docker images
- building, from Dockerfiles / Building images from Dockerfiles
- Dockerfiles, managing / Managing Dockerfiles
- docker volumes / Docker volumes
- dynamic containers
- building / Building dynamic containers
- configuring, with templates / Configuring containers with templates
- self-configuring containers / Self-configuring containers
- persistent storage / Persistent storage for containers
- host-mounted volumes / Host-mounted volumes
- docker volumes / Docker volumes
- each function
- using / Using the each function
- EC2 Container Service (ECS) / Other AWS resource types
- EC2 instances
- creating, with Puppet / Creating EC2 instances with Puppet
- Amazon Machine Image (AMI), selecting / Choosing an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
- creating / Creating the EC2 instance
- accessing / Accessing your EC2 instance
- VPCs / VPCs, subnets, and security groups
- subnets / VPCs, subnets, and security groups
- security groups / VPCs, subnets, and security groups
- ec2_securitygroup resource / The ec2_securitygroup resource
- ec2_instance resource / The ec2_instance resource
- ec2_instance resource / The ec2_instance resource
- ec2_securitygroup resource / The ec2_securitygroup resource
- ec2_vpc_internet_gateway resource / The ec2_vpc_internet_gateway resource
- ec2_vpc_routetable resource / The ec2_vpc_routetable resource
- ec2_vpc_subnet resource / The ec2_vpc_subnet resource
- Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) / The ec2_vpc_internet_gateway resource
- ensure_packages
- using / Using ensure_packages
- used, for installing packages / Safely installing packages with ensure_packages
- ERB template / Legacy ERB templates
- exec resources
- about / Exec resources
- manual interaction, automating / Automating manual interaction
- attributes / Attributes of the exec resource
- user attribute / The user attribute
- unless attribute / The onlyif and unless attributes
- onlyif attribute / The onlyif and unless attributes
- onlyif attributes / The onlyif and unless attributes
- refreshonly attribute / The refreshonly attribute
- logoutput attribute / The logoutput attribute
- timeout attribute / The timeout attribute
- misuse, avoiding / How not to misuse exec resources
- executable facts
- creating / Creating executable facts
- expressions
- about / Introducing expressions
- comparison operators, meeting / Meeting Puppet's comparison operators
- regular expressions / Introducing regular expressions
- conditional expressions, using / Using conditional expressions
- decisions, making with if statements / Making decisions with if statements
- options, selecting with case statements / Choosing options with case statements
- external facts
- providing / Providing external facts
- facter command
- running / Running the facter command
- facts
- finding / Finding out facts
- hash, using / Using the facts hash
- facter command, running / Running the facter command
- hashes of facts, accessing / Accessing hashes of facts
- referencing, in expressions / Referencing facts in expressions
- memory facts, using / Using memory facts
- networking facts, discovering / Discovering networking facts
- external facts, providing / Providing external facts
- executable facts, creating / Creating executable facts
- facts hash
- using / Using the facts hash
- files
- about / Files
- path attribute / The path attribute
- whole files, managing / Managing whole files
- ownership / Ownership
- permissions / Permissions
- directories / Directories
- trees of files / Trees of files
- symbolic links / Symbolic links
- fully qualified domain name (FQDN) / Discovering networking facts
- generate-puppetfile
- used, for managing directories / Managing dependencies with generate-puppetfile
- Git repo
- creating / Creating a Git repo
- first commit, creating / Making your first commit
- committing / How often should I commit?
- branching / Branching
- GnuPG
- setting up / Setting up GnuPG
- Google Compute Engine (GCE) / Using other distributions and providers
- hashes
- about / Understanding hashes
- hashes, Hiera / Hashes
- hashes of facts
- accessing / Accessing hashes of facts
- hash merge behavior / Merge behaviors
- hasrestart attribute / The hasrestart and restart attributes
- hasstatus attribute / The hasstatus attribute
- Hiera
- about / Why Hiera?
- data maintenance / Data needs to be maintained
- nodes / Settings depend on nodes
- operating systems / Operating systems differ
- way / The Hiera way
- setting up / Setting up Hiera
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting Hiera
- querying / Querying Hiera
- Hiera, querying
- about / Querying Hiera
- typed lookups / Typed lookups
- Hiera data
- adding, to Puppet repo / Adding Hiera data to your Puppet repo
- resources, creating with / Creating resources with Hiera data
- resources, building from Hiera arrays / Building resources from Hiera arrays
- resources, building from Hiera hashes / Building resources from Hiera hashes
- resources managing with, advantages for / The advantages of managing resources with Hiera data
- automatic parameter lookup / Automatic parameter lookup from Hiera data
- range parameters / Range parameters
- used, for managing classes / Managing classes with Hiera
- Hiera data, interpolation
- about / Interpolation in Hiera data
- lookup(), using / Using lookup()
- alias(), using / Using alias()
- literal(), using / Using literal()
- Hiera data, types
- about / Types of Hiera data
- single values / Single values
- Boolean values / Boolean values
- arrays / Arrays
- hashes / Hashes
- hierarchy, Hiera
- about / The hierarchy
- multiple values, dealing with / Dealing with multiple values
- behaviors, merging / Merge behaviors
- facts, data sources based / Data sources based on facts
- data characteristics / What belongs in Hiera?
- host-mounted volume / Host-mounted volumes
- IAM policy
- creating / Creating an IAM policy
- IAM user
- creating / Creating an IAM user
- idempotent / How not to misuse exec resources
- inline templates / Inline templates
- iteration
- about / Iterating over arrays
- each function, using / Using the each function
- over hashes / Iterating over hashes
- linked resource
- notifying / Notifying a linked resource
- logoutput attribute / The logoutput attribute
- memory facts
- using / Using memory facts
- merge behavior / Merge behaviors
- modules
- using, in manifests / Using modules in your manifests
- puppetlabs/mysql, using / Using puppetlabs/mysql
- puppetlabs/apache, using / Using puppetlabs/apache
- puppet/archive, using / Using puppet/archive
- writing / Writing your own modules
- repo, creating / Creating a repo for your module
- code, writing / Writing the module code
- metadata, creating / Creating and validating the module metadata
- metadata, validating / Creating and validating the module metadata
- tagging / Tagging your module
- installing / Installing your module
- applying / Applying your module
- complex modules / More complex modules
- uploading, to Puppet Forge / Uploading modules to Puppet Forge
- networking facts
- about / Discovering networking facts
- node
- Bootstrapping / Bootstrapping a new node
- other distributions and providers, using / Using other distributions and providers
- onlyif attribute / The onlyif and unless attributes
- orchestration
- about / What is orchestration?
- packages
- managing / Managing packages
- manifest, applying to Puppet / How Puppet applies the manifest
- resources, querying with puppet resource / Querying resources with the puppet resource
- about / Packages
- uninstalling / Uninstalling packages
- specific versions, installing / Installing specific versions
- latest version, installing / Installing the latest version
- Ruby gems, installing / Installing Ruby gems
- gems, installing in Puppets context / Installing gems in Puppet's context
- ensure_packages, using / Using ensure_packages
- parameter data types
- about / Parameter data types
- available / Available data types
- content type parameters / Content type parameters
- range parameters / Range parameters
- flexible data types / Flexible data types
- parameters
- declaring, to classes / Declaring parameters to classes
- pattern attribute / The pattern attribute
- physical or cloud nodes
- Bootstrapping / Bootstrapping physical or cloud nodes
- procedural style / What is Puppet?
- profiles
- about / Profiles
- pry debugger / The pry debugger
- Puppet
- need for / Why do we need Puppet anyway?
- configuration, synchronizing / Keeping the configuration synchronized
- changes, repeating across servers / Repeating changes across many servers
- documentation, self-updating / Self-updating documentation
- version control and history / Version control and history
- shell scripts / Why not just write shell scripts?
- containers / Why not just use containers?
- serverless / Why not just use serverless?
- about / What is Puppet?
- resources / Resources and attributes
- attributes / Resources and attributes
- architectures / Puppet architectures
- preparing for / Getting ready for Puppet
- repo, downloading / Installing Git and downloading the repo
- Git, installing / Installing Git and downloading the repo
- VirtualBox, installing / Installing VirtualBox and Vagrant
- Vagrant, installing / Installing VirtualBox and Vagrant
- Vagrant VM, running / Running your Vagrant VM
- Vagrant, troubleshooting / Troubleshooting Vagrant
- Puppet, architecture
- agent/master architecture / Puppet architectures
- stand-alone Puppet or masterless / Puppet architectures
- Puppetfile
- about / Understanding the Puppetfile
- Puppet Forge
- modules, using / Using Puppet Forge modules
- about / What is the Puppet Forge?
- modules, finding / Finding the module you need
- 10k, using / Using r10k
- dependencies, managing generate-puppetfile used / Managing dependencies with generate-puppetfile
- modules, uploading / Uploading modules to Puppet Forge
- puppetlabs/aws module
- about / Getting ready to use puppetlabs/aws
- key pair, creating / Creating a key pair
- installing / Installing the puppetlabs/aws module
- AWS SDK gem, installing / Installing the AWS SDK gem
- Puppet manifest
- about / Hello, Puppet – your first Puppet manifest
- code / Understanding the code
- existing files,modifying / Modifying existing files
- dry-running / Dry-running Puppet
- applying / How Puppet applies the manifest
- file, creating / Creating a file of your own
- Puppet manifests
- distributing / Distributing Puppet manifests
- GitHub account and project, creating / Creating a GitHub account and project
- repo, pushing to GitHub / Pushing your repo to GitHub
- repo, cloning / Cloning the repo
- Puppet repo
- Hiera data, adding / Adding Hiera data to your Puppet repo
- Puppet runs
- changes, applying / Fetching and applying changes automatically
- changes, fetching / Fetching and applying changes automatically
- running, manifests writing for / Writing a manifest to set up regular Puppet runs
- run-puppet manifest, applying / Applying the run-puppet manifest
- run-puppet script / The run-puppet script
- automatic Puppet runs, testing / Testing automatic Puppet runs
- multiple nodes, managing / Managing multiple nodes
- r10k
- using / Using r10k
- refreshonly attribute / The refreshonly attribute
- regular expressions / Introducing regular expressions
- repo
- about / Sharing code
- pushing, to GitHub / Pushing your repo to GitHub
- cloning / Cloning the repo
- repository / Sharing code
- resource attributes
- setting, from hash / Setting resource attributes from a hash
- restart attribute / The hasrestart and restart attributes
- roles
- about / Roles and profiles, Roles
- Ruby gems
- installing / Installing Ruby gems
- installing, in Puppet's context / Installing gems in Puppet's context
- run-puppet script / The run-puppet script
- secret data
- managing / Managing secret data
- GnuPG, setting up / Setting up GnuPG
- encrypted Hiera source, adding / Adding an encrypted Hiera source
- encrypted secret, creating / Creating an encrypted secret
- decrypting, by Hiera / How Hiera decrypts secrets
- encrypted secrets, editing / Editing or adding encrypted secrets
- encrypted secrets, adding / Editing or adding encrypted secrets
- decryption key, distributing / Distributing the decryption key
- services
- about / Services, Services
- resources, with puppet describe / Getting help on resources with puppet describe
- package-file-service pattern / The package-file-service pattern
- linked resource, notifying / Notifying a linked resource
- resource ordering, require used / Resource ordering with require
- hasstatus attribute / The hasstatus attribute
- pattern attribute / The pattern attribute
- hasrestart and restart attributes / The hasrestart and restart attributes
- shallow merge / Merge behaviors
- single values, Hiera / Single values
- SSH configuration / SSH configuration
- standard library
- about / Exploring the standard library
- packages installing safely, ensure_packages used / Safely installing packages with ensure_packages
- files modifying, file_line used / Modifying files in place with file_line
- useful functions, using / Introducing some other useful functions
- pry debugger / The pry debugger
- Sudoers configuration / Sudoers configuration
- symbolic link / Symbolic links
- symlink / Symbolic links
- templates
- about / What are templates?
- dynamic data problem / The dynamic data problem
- syntax / Puppet template syntax
- using, in manifests / Using templates in your manifests
- template files, referencing / Referencing template files
- inline templates / Inline templates
- tags / Template tags
- computations / Computations in templates
- conditional statements / Conditional statements in templates
- iteration / Iteration in templates
- templates, iteration
- about / Iteration in templates
- over Facter data / Iterating over Facter data
- over structured facts / Iterating over structured facts
- over Hiera data / Iterating over Hiera data
- working with / Working with templates
- parameters, passing / Passing parameters to templates
- template syntax, validating / Validating template syntax
- templates, rendering on command line / Rendering templates on the command line
- Legacy ERB templates / Legacy ERB templates
- Terraform
- using / Using Terraform
- timeout attribute / The timeout attribute
- type aliases / Type aliases
- unless attribute / The onlyif and unless attributes
- user attribute / The user attribute
- users
- about / Users
- creating / Creating users
- resource / The user resource
- group resource / The group resource
- SSH keys, managing / Managing SSH keys
- removing / Removing users
- Vagrant
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting Vagrant
- Vagrant VM
- running / Running your Vagrant VM
- Bootstrapping / Bootstrapping a Vagrant VM
- variables
- about / Introducing variables
- Booleans, using / Using Booleans
- interpolating, in strings / Interpolating variables in strings
- arrays, creating / Creating arrays
- arrays of resources, declaring / Declaring arrays of resources
- hashes / Understanding hashes
- resource attributes, setting from hash / Setting resource attributes from a hash
- version control
- about / What is version control?
- changes, tracking / Tracking changes
- code, sharing / Sharing code
- virtualization / Introducing the cloud
- YAML Aint Markup Language (YAML), / Types of Hiera data