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Expert AWS Development

By : Atul Mistry
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Expert AWS Development

By: Atul Mistry

Overview of this book

Expert AWS Development begins with the installation of the AWS SDK and you will go on to get hands-on experience of creating an application using the AWS Management Console and the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). Then, you will integrate applications with AWS services such as DynamoDB, Amazon Kinesis, AWS Lambda, Amazon SQS, and Amazon SWF. Following this, you will get well versed with CI/CD workflow and work with four major phases in the release process – Source, Build, Test, and Production. Then, you will learn to apply AWS Developer tools to your Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) workflow. Later, you will learn about user authentication using Amazon Cognito, and also how you can evaluate the best architecture as per your infrastructure costs. You will learn about Amazon EC2 service and will deploy an app using it. You will also deploy a practical real-world example of a CI/CD application with the Serverless Application Framework, which is known as AWS Lambda. Finally, you will learn how to build, develop, and deploy the Application using AWS Developer tools such as AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, and AWS CodePipeline, as per your project requirements.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Title Page
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Chapter 1. AWS Tools and SDKs

Most probably, if you are reading this book, you are a code-drink lover who is trying to explore or probably using Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS contains around 20 different kinds of category/product, which have 110+ services. In this chapter, we will explore AWS tools and SDKs, which are under the Developer tools category of AWS products.   

In the software world, a software development kit is known asSDK. It includes software development tools that allow you to create applications, software packages, frameworks, computer systems, gaming consoles, hardware platforms, operating systems, or similar kinds of software/hardware development platforms. Some SDKs are useful for developing platform-specific applications; for example, for Android applications on Java, you need the Java Development Kit(JDK) and for iOS applications, you need the iOS SDK. This is the basic idea of SDKs.

AWS also provides primary developer tools, command-line tools, toolkits, and SDKs to develop and manage AWS applications. It provides a variety of tools and SDKs as per the programming knowledge and project needs. With the help of these tools and SDKs, you can quickly and easily build and manage great applications on the AWS Cloud. This chapter will show you how to install and use these SDKs for different programming languages.

By the end of this chapter, you will understand how to install AWS SDKs and use them for development in different programming languages.  

This chapter will cover the following topics: 

  • Brief introduction to AWS tools and SDKs
  • AWS SDK for Java
  • AWS SDK for Java using Apache Maven
  • Configuring an SDK as a Maven dependency
  • AWS SDK for Java using Gradle
  • AWS SDK for Java using Eclipse IDE
  • AWS SDK for Node.js