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Mastering Distributed Tracing

By : Yuri Shkuro
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Mastering Distributed Tracing

By: Yuri Shkuro

Overview of this book

Mastering Distributed Tracing will equip you to operate and enhance your own tracing infrastructure. Through practical exercises and code examples, you will learn how end-to-end tracing can be used as a powerful application performance management and comprehension tool. The rise of Internet-scale companies, like Google and Amazon, ushered in a new era of distributed systems operating on thousands of nodes across multiple data centers. Microservices increased that complexity, often exponentially. It is harder to debug these systems, track down failures, detect bottlenecks, or even simply understand what is going on. Distributed tracing focuses on solving these problems for complex distributed systems. Today, tracing standards have developed and we have much faster systems, making instrumentation less intrusive and data more valuable. Yuri Shkuro, the creator of Jaeger, a popular open-source distributed tracing system, delivers end-to-end coverage of the field in Mastering Distributed Tracing. Review the history and theoretical foundations of tracing; solve the data gathering problem through code instrumentation, with open standards like OpenTracing, W3C Trace Context, and OpenCensus; and discuss the benefits and applications of a distributed tracing infrastructure for understanding, and profiling, complex systems.
Table of Contents (21 chapters)
Mastering Distributed Tracing
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Even though distributed tracing is still a bit of a novelty in the software engineering industry, the open source world is making great strides in making free tracing infrastructure available to anyone, from data gathering via projects like OpenTracing, OpenCensus, and W3C Trace Context, to storing and processing the data via many open source tracing backends like Jaeger, Zipkin, SkyWalking, and Haystack. As the tracing infrastructures become commodities, data mining and data analysis are going to be the areas of the main focus of research and development.

In this chapter, we covered some basic techniques for building data analysis tools on top of the tracing data, including looking at some of the challenges, such as trace completion triggers, which do not yet have perfect solutions.

We ran through an exercise of building a feature extraction framework and a sample span count job that can be used as a foundation for a full-featured platform.

Finally, we reviewed a very promising approach...