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Real-World SRE

By : Nat Welch
Book Image

Real-World SRE

By: Nat Welch

Overview of this book

Real-World SRE is the go-to survival guide for the software developer in the middle of catastrophic website failure. Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) has emerged on the frontline as businesses strive to maximize uptime. This book is a step-by-step framework to follow when your website is down and the countdown is on to fix it. Nat Welch has battle-hardened experience in reliability engineering at some of the biggest outage-sensitive companies on the internet. Arm yourself with his tried-and-tested methods for monitoring modern web services, setting up alerts, and evaluating your incident response. Real-World SRE goes beyond just reacting to disaster—uncover the tools and strategies needed to safely test and release software, plan for long-term growth, and foresee future bottlenecks. Real-World SRE gives you the capability to set up your own robust plan of action to see you through a company-wide website crisis. The final chapter of Real-World SRE is dedicated to acing SRE interviews, either in getting a first job or a valued promotion.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)

References and related reading

Related to the code in this chapter, the following are links to documentation for frameworks, programming languages, and other code.

  1. Sinatra is a web framework for Ruby and has excellent online documentation at

  2. The StatsD Ruby library documentation is at

  3. I am using Ruby 2.5.0, whose documentation is at–2.5.0/

  4. An overview of StatsD—

  5. The Prometheus Go client documentation—

  6. The Go language documentation—

  7. An overview of Prometheus—

  8. Oxford Dictionaries (https://en.oxforddictionaries. com/definition/monitor)

Future reading

No book should ever be the sum of all knowledge. It is impossible. As I mentioned earlier, there are many monitoring philosophies, and while the following books and websites touch on some of them, neither my...