Thinking pragmatically
What interests me right now is that these differences make me think really pragmatically about what is done, why it is done, and what it is that I should import from Prezi and initiate at Contentful. For example, what are the DevOps ideas that are obtainable and worth obtaining for my new company? I see that because, for example, my Contentful stack has younger and fresher technologies than the stack at Prezi. Yet, on the other hand, some of the toolings are much more mature, and the complexity is crushing.
What makes me tick in my daily work is my belief that Contentful will grow, and I chose to follow it because I want to be in there while it's growing, and I want to facilitate that growth.
Viktor Farcic: Would you say that it's easier to promote things when in one situation over another? Is it easier with a well-established stack or a young company with less?
Júlia Biró: It's quite different. For example, one of the signs of maturity...