Are there constants in the tech industry?
Viktor Farcic: I'm kidding. But is there such a thing that will never become outdated? If you move outside of tech, is anything cultural that is continuously changing our perception of everything? Are there such things as constants in the tech industry?
Júlia Biró: There are basic ideas, such as the depiction of female beauty, which seems to be a very constant thing in the past around 3,000 to 5,000 years in art and across the entire world. Methods for manipulating masses (for making a bigger part of your population stand on your side) are also mostly unchanging ever since the history of written politics.
Viktor Farcic: OK, fair enough, you can have that.
Júlia Biró: I do feel that as I talk to engineers around me who might have experiences from different fields, there are some approaches that they apply uniformly, regardless of the field or of the actual problem. Approaches that don't change. Whether you're doing...