What is DevOps?
Viktor Farcic: I want to start by asking if you could give us the elevator pitch as to who you are, and how you're involved with the DevOps community.
Bret Fisher: Firstly, I would say that I'm a DevOps consultant who mainly focuses on Docker. That being said, I'm actually a Docker Captain, who both works and teaches the program. I guess you could say I live and breathe Docker 24/7.
Viktor Farcic: Last night, I was talking to three self-proclaimed DevOps engineers who were all from different companies. You'd think they would all describe their jobs in the same way, but they didn't. In fact, each of them described their jobs using different terms. So, my question for you is, and it's something I've asked everyone in this book, what the heck is DevOps?
Bret Fisher: The definition of DevOps today is not what people who do DevOps actually do, so it's funny that you've asked me this question. People have asked me to inject more DevOps...