The DevOps philosophy – get out of your own way
The DevOps philosophy is to get out of your own way. But this is too hard, of course, so we try to find a shortcut. This shortcut might be a tool, a consultant, some YouTube videos, or a book. At the end of the day though, we cannot get away from having to follow the philosophy. We can implement Jenkins all day, but we won't achieve anything unless we also follow the philosophy.
"The DevOps philosophy is to get out of your own way. But this is too hard, of course, so we try to find a shortcut."
—Nirmal Mehta
This is the fundamental shift that's taking place today in organizations—it's a realization that actual, productive change must be a little bit more painful. This is a deep cultural shift, and we must deal with people, their attitudes, and all that—including people who just don't want to change.
There's a lot of misinformation about what DevOps is in...