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Hands-On Network Programming with C

By : Lewis Van Winkle
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Hands-On Network Programming with C

By: Lewis Van Winkle

Overview of this book

Network programming enables processes to communicate with each other over a computer network, but it is a complex task that requires programming with multiple libraries and protocols. With its support for third-party libraries and structured documentation, C is an ideal language to write network programs. Complete with step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, this C network programming book begins with the fundamentals of Internet Protocol, TCP, and UDP. You’ll explore client-server and peer-to-peer models for information sharing and connectivity with remote computers. The book will also cover HTTP and HTTPS for communicating between your browser and website, and delve into hostname resolution with DNS, which is crucial to the functioning of the modern web. As you advance, you’ll gain insights into asynchronous socket programming and streams, and explore debugging and error handling. Finally, you’ll study network monitoring and implement security best practices. By the end of this book, you’ll have experience of working with client-server applications and be able to implement new network programs in C. The code in this book is compatible with the older C99 version as well as the latest C18 and C++17 standards. You’ll work with robust, reliable, and secure code that is portable across operating systems, including Winsock sockets for Windows and POSIX sockets for Linux and macOS.
Table of Contents (26 chapters)
Title Page
About Packt

Code included with this book

The following is a list of the 44 example programs included with this book, by chapter.

Chapter 1 – Introducing Networks and Protocols

This chapter includes the following example programs:

  • win_init.c: Example code to initialize Winsock (Windows only)
  • win_list.c: Lists all local IP addresses (Windows only)
  • unix_list.c: Lists all local IP addresses (Linux and macOS only)

Chapter 2 – Getting to Grips with Socket APIs

This chapter includes the following example programs:

  • sock_init.c: Example program to include all necessary headers and initialize
  • time_console.c: Prints the current date and time to the console
  • time_server.c: Serves a web page giving the current date and time
  • time_server_ipv6.c: The same as the preceding code but listens for IPv6 connections
  • time_server_dual.c: The same as the preceding code but listens for IPv6/IPv4 dual-stack connections

Chapter 3 – An In-Depth Overview of TCP Connections

This chapter includes the following example programs:

  • tcp_client.c: Establishes a TCP connection and sends/receives data from the console.
  • tcp_serve_toupper.c: A TCP server servicing multiple connections using select(). Echoes received data back to the client all in uppercase.
  • tcp_serve_toupper_fork.c: The same as the preceding code but uses fork() instead of select(). (Linux and macOS only.)
  • tcp_serve_chat.c: A TCP server that relays received data to every other connected client.

Chapter 4 – Establishing UDP Connections

This chapter includes the following example programs:

  • udp_client.c: Sends/receives UDP data from the console
  • udp_recvfrom.c: Uses recvfrom() to receive one UDP datagram
  • udp_sendto.c: Uses sendto() to send one UDP datagram
  • udp_serve_toupper.c: Listens for UDP data and echoes it back to the sender all in uppercase
  • udp_serve_toupper_simple.c: The same as the preceding code but doesn't use select()

Chapter 5 – Hostname Resolution and DNS

This chapter includes the following example programs:

  • lookup.c: Uses getaddrinfo() to look up addresses for a given hostname
  • dns_query.c: Encodes and sends a UDP DNS query, then listens for and decodes the response

Chapter 6 – Building a Simple Web Client

This chapter includes the following example program:

  • web_get.c: A minimal HTTP client to download a web resource from a given URL

Chapter 7 – Building a Simple Web Server

This chapter includes the following example programs:

  • web_server.c: A minimal web server capable of serving a static website
  • web_server2.c: A minimal web server (no globals)

Chapter 8 – Making Your Program Send Email

This chapter includes the following example program:

  • smtp_send.c: A simple program to transmit an email

Chapter 9 – Loading Secure Web Pages with HTTPS and OpenSSL

The examples in this chapter use OpenSSL. Be sure to link to the OpenSSL libraries when compiling (-lssl -lcrypto):

  • openssl_version.c: A program to report the installed OpenSSL version
  • https_simple.c: A minimal program that requests a web page using HTTPS
  • https_get.c: The HTTP client of Chapter 6Building a Simple Web Client, modified to use HTTPS
  • tls_client.c: The TCP client program of Chapter 3An In-Depth Overview of TCP Connections, modified to use TLS
  • tls_get_cert.c: Prints a certificate from a TLS server

Chapter 10 – Implementing a Secure Web Server

The examples in this chapter use OpenSSL. Be sure to link to the OpenSSL libraries when compiling (-lssl -lcrypto):

  • tls_time_server.c: The time server of Chapter 2, Getting to Grips with Socket APIs, modified to use HTTPS
  • https_server.c: The web server of Chapter 7, Building a Simple Web Server, modified to use HTTPS

Chapter 11 – Establishing SSH Connections with libssh

The examples in this chapter use libssh. Be sure to link to the libssh libraries when compiling (-lssh):

  • ssh_version.c: A program to report the libssh version
  • ssh_connect.c: A minimal client that establishes an SSH connection
  • ssh_auth.c: A client that attempts SSH client authentication using a password
  • ssh_command.c: A client that executes a single remote command over SSH
  • ssh_download.c: A client that downloads a file over SSH/SCP

Chapter 12 – Network Monitoring and Security

This chapter doesn't include any example programs.

Chapter 13 – Socket Programming Tips and Pitfalls

This chapter includes the following example programs:

  • connect_timeout.c: Shows how to time out a connect() call early.
  • connect_blocking.c: For comparison with connect_timeout.c.
  • server_reuse.c: Demonstrates the use of SO_REUSEADDR.
  • server_noreuse.c: For comparison with server_reuse.c.
  • server_crash.c: This server purposefully writes to a TCP socket after the client disconnects.
  • error_text.c: Shows how to obtain error code descriptions.
  • big_send.c: A TCP client that sends lots of data after connecting. Used to show the blocking behavior of send().
  • server_ignore.c: A TCP server that accepts connections, then simply ignores them. Used to show the blocking behavior of send().
  • setsize.c: Shows the maximum number of sockets select() can handle.

Chapter 14 – Web Programming for the Internet of Things

This chapter doesn't include any example programs.