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Hands-On Kubernetes on Azure

By : Shivakumar Gopalakrishnan, Gunther Lenz
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Hands-On Kubernetes on Azure

By: Shivakumar Gopalakrishnan, Gunther Lenz

Overview of this book

Microsoft is now one of the most significant contributors to Kubernetes open source projects. Kubernetes helps to create, configure, and manage a cluster of virtual machines that are preconfigured to run containerized applications. This book will be your guide to performing successful container orchestration and deployment of Kubernetes clusters on Azure. You will get started by learning how to deploy and manage highly scalable applications, along with understanding how to set up a production-ready Kubernetes cluster on Azure. As you advance, you will learn how to reduce the complexity and operational overheads of managing a Kubernetes cluster on Azure. By the end of this book, you will not only be capable of deploying and managing Kubernetes clusters on Azure with ease, but also have the knowledge of best practices for working with advanced AKS concepts for complex systems.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Free Chapter
Section 1: The Basics
Section 2: Deploying on AKS
Section 3: Leveraging Advanced Azure PaaS Services in Combination with AKS

Operation and Maintenance of AKS Applications

In production systems, you need to allow different personnel access to certain resources; this is known as role-based access control (RBAC). This chapter will take you through how you can turn on RBAC on AKS and practice assigning different roles with different rights. Users would be able to verify that their access is denied when trying to modify resources that they do not have access to. The benefits of establishing RBAC are that it acts not only as a guardrail against the accidental deletion of critical resources but also an important security feature to limit full access to the cluster to roles that really need it.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

  • Service roles in Kubernetes
  • Attaching service roles to Azure AD users
  • Verifying RBAC