Understanding networkd and resolved on RHEL-type machines
We've already established that all RHEL-type machines, such as our AlmaLinux machine, use NetworkManager by default. Now, let's say that we have an AlmaLinux server and that we need the added capabilities of networkd. The systemd-networkd
package isn't installed by default, and it isn't in the normal Alma repositories. However, it is in the third-party EPEL repository, so we'll install it by doing:
[donnie@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install epel-release
Now, we can install the systemd-networkd
package, which includes both networkd and resolved:
[donnie@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install systemd-networkd
Next, disable NetworkManager and enable networkd and resolved. Note that I'm not stopping NetworkManager or starting networkd and resolved just yet (I'm logged in remotely and don't want to break my network connection. Besides, I still haven't created a networkd configuration)...