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AWS CDK in Practice

By : Mark Avdi, Leo Lam
3.5 (2)
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AWS CDK in Practice

3.5 (2)
By: Mark Avdi, Leo Lam

Overview of this book

As cloud applications are becoming more complex, multiple tools and services have emerged to cater to the challenges of running reliable solutions. Although infrastructure as code, containers, and orchestration tools, such as Kubernetes, have proved to be efficient in solving these challenges, AWS CDK represents a paradigm shift in building easily developed, extended, and maintained applications. With AWS CDK in Practice, you’ll start by setting up basic day-to-day infrastructure while understanding the new prospects that CDK offers. You’ll learn how to set up pipelines for building CDK applications on the cloud that are long-lasting, agile, and maintainable. You’ll also gain practical knowledge of container-based and serverless application development. Furthermore, you’ll discover how to leverage AWS CDK to build cloud solutions using code instead of configuration files. Finally, you’ll explore current community best practices for solving production issues when dealing with CDK applications. By the end of this book, you’ll have practical knowledge of CDK, and you’ll be able to leverage the power of AWS with code that is simple to write and maintain using AWS CDK.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Part 1: An Introduction to AWS CDK
Part 2: Practical Cloud Development with AWS CDK
Part 3: Serverless Development with AWS CDK
Part 4: Advanced Architectural Concepts

Understanding the inner workings of AWS CDK

We hope that was fun. In the previous section, we mentioned AWS CloudFormation and how CDK outputs a CloudFormation template and then manages its life cycle.

According to AWS, CloudFormation is an IaC service (again, I’d argue with the code bit) that you can use to model, provision, and manage AWS services. In short, it’s a YAML or JSON file with an AWS service definition of its properties and relationships.

Learning CloudFormation is outside the scope of this book, but it’s useful for you to understand and read about it, to better debug your CDK applications. Let’s take a brief look at a CloudFormation excerpt sample YAML configuration.

Here is how you set up a basic EC2 instance and open up the 22 port for SSH access. Reading YAML is straightforward, and if you look closely, you will be able to read the various components our CloudFormation configuration defines:

    Description: The EC2 Key Pair to allow SSH access to the instance
    Type: 'AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName'
    Type: 'AWS::EC2::Instance'
        - !Ref InstanceSecurityGroup
        - MyExistingSecurityGroup
      KeyName: !Ref KeyName
      ImageId: ami-7a11e213
    Type: 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup'
      GroupDescription: Enable SSH access via port 22
        - IpProtocol: tcp
          FromPort: 22
          ToPort: 22

Well, CDK uses the same underlying mechanism. Working with AWS CloudFormation directly can be very daunting and complicated, even for relatively simple stacks. To prove this point, go to this chapter’s CDK app root and run the following command:

$ cdk synth

You guessed it right—this gigantic abomination of a YAML output is the result of about 20 lines of CDK TypeScript code. CDK essentially compiles your code into a CloudFormation stack and manages the rest of the complexity of adding and removing various bits, linking resources together, and a ton of other things for you.

The amount of time that developers save is undeniably massive. The amount of confusion, mistakes, and painful trials and errors of CloudFormation or any other configuration-defined IaC tool that CDK eliminates makes CDK and the new set of similar tools such as Pulumi clear winners of the IaC race. Businesses that onboard CDK into their development practices will be able to deliver a lot more in a shorter amount of time.

Developers with CDK skills will be highly sought after. Welcome aboard—this is the future of software development on the cloud!