Getting started with S3
In Chapter 3, Getting Started with AWS and Amazon EC2, we briefly covered creating an S3 bucket, and in Chapter 2, Mapping your Enterprise Requirements Against Amazon's Offerings, we briefly looked at the S3 service as a whole. We covered the basics for S3 and also looked at how S3 is accessed. Most importantly, we learned that S3 is not a traditional filesystem like our C:\ driv.
Creating a S3 bucket with logging
Logging provides detailed information on who accessed what data in your bucket and when. However, to turn on logging for a bucket, an existing bucket must have already been created to hold the logging information, as this is where AWS stores it.
To create a bucket with logging, click on the Create Bucket button in the Buckets sidebar as in Chapter 3, Getting Started with AWS and Amazon EC2:
This time, however, click on the Set Up Logging button. You will be presented with a dialog that allows you to choose the location for the logging information, as well...