- Access Control List (ACL) / How to do it…
- actions, packages
- file / How to do it…
- set / How to do it…
- dir / How to do it…
- hardlink / How to do it…
- link / How to do it…
- license / How to do it…
- depend / How to do it…
- legacy / How to do it…
- Adaptive Replacement Cache (ARC) / Handling logs and caches, How to do it…
- Aggregation and Load Balance Policies
- L2 (Networking) / Setting the link aggregation
- L3 (Addressing) / Setting the link aggregation
- L4 (Communication) / Setting the link aggregation
- AI
- about / Introduction
- AI configuration
- requisites / Introduction
- AI server
- configuring / Getting ready, How to do it…
- references / References
- AI server configuration
- about / Getting ready, How to do it…
- system, installing from / Getting ready, How to do it…
- overview / An overview of the recipe
- algorithms, Integrated Load Balance (ILB)
- round robin / Configuring Integrated Load Balancer
- source IP hash / Configuring Integrated Load Balancer
- source IP port hash / Configuring Integrated Load Balancer
- source IP VIP hash / Configuring Integrated Load Balancer
- auditing, packages / Managing the IPS history and freezing and uninstalling packages
- authorization, RBAC framework / Configuring and using RBAC
- Automated Installation (AI) service / An overview of the recipe
- Automatic Location / Playing with Reactive Network Configuration
- backup
- performing, in ZFS filesystem / Performing a backup in a ZFS filesystem, How to do it…
- BE
- destroying / Creating, activating, and destroying a boot environment, Getting ready, How to do it…
- tradeoffs / Creating, activating, and destroying a boot environment
- creating / Creating, activating, and destroying a boot environment, Getting ready, How to do it…, Listing and creating a boot environment, An overview of the recipe
- activating / Creating, activating, and destroying a boot environment, Getting ready, How to do it…, Activating a boot environment, How to do it…
- listing / Listing and renaming a boot environment, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe, Listing and creating a boot environment
- renaming / Listing and renaming a boot environment, Getting ready, An overview of the recipe
- creating, from existing BE / Creating a boot environment from an existing one, How to do it…
- BEs
- about / Introduction
- boot-archive maintenance operations
- Ram disk / Introduction
- Kernel / Introduction
- Init / Introduction
- svc.started / Introduction
- booter / Introduction
- boot loader / Introduction
- branded zone / Introduction
- Brendan Gregg website
- URL / References
- caches, ZFS
- handling / Handling logs and caches, How to do it…
- clone, ZFS
- Common Internet File System (CIFS) / Configuring ZFS sharing with the SMB share
- complex applications
- inserting, into repository / Getting ready, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- working with / Playing with COMSTAR, Getting ready, How to do it…
- about / Playing with COMSTAR
- configured state / Introduction
- conn-drain value / How to do it…
- copy on write (COW) / How to do it…
- current package publisher
- determining / Getting ready, How to do it…
- working / An overview of the recipe
- custom manifest / How to do it…
- Data Link Multipathing (DLMP) aggregation / Setting the link aggregation
- default.xml file
- features / How to do it…
- default manifest / How to do it…
- deployed options, packages
- LISTEN*3333 / How to do it…
- reuseaddr / How to do it…
- fork / How to do it…
- cert / How to do it…
- cafile / How to do it…
- EXEC / How to do it…
- devices
- in storage pools, managing / Managing devices in storage pools, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- DHCP server
- configuring / Configuring the DHCP server, Getting ready, How to do it…
- overview / An overview of the recipe
- Directory Name Lookup Cache (DNLC) / How to do it…
- Direct Server Return (DSR) / Configuring Integrated Load Balancer
- DNS Client service
- configuring / Configuring link protection and the DNS Client service, How to do it…
- overview / An overview of the recipe
- down state / Introduction
- DTrace / How to do it…
- website
- URL / References, References
- DTrace probe / How to do it…
- DTrace tool / How to do it…
- DTraceToolkit website
- URL / How to do it…, References, References
- Effective (E) / Playing with least privileges
- er_kernel tool
- URL / How to do it…
- execution attributes, RBAC framework / Configuring and using RBAC
- Extension Pack / Getting ready
- External Network Modifiers (ENMs)
- Fair Share Schedule (FSS) class / Introduction, Managing a zone using the resource manager
- Fair share scheduler (FSS) class / Introduction
- Fault Management Resource Identifier (FMRI) / Introduction
- faults, ZFS
- working with / Playing with ZFS faults and properties, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- Fibre Channel (FC) / Playing with COMSTAR
- Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) / Playing with COMSTAR
- filesystem, ZFS
- creating / How to do it…
- backup, performing / Performing a backup in a ZFS filesystem, How to do it…
- Fixed (FX) class / Introduction
- flags, ipmpstat -i command
- m / How to do it…
- M / How to do it…
- b / How to do it…
- i / How to do it…
- s / How to do it…
- d / How to do it…
- flow control
- implementing / Getting ready, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- configuring / Configuring FSS and applying it to projects, How to do it…
- applying, to projects / Configuring FSS and applying it to projects, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- FSS class / Introduction
- global zone (parent zone) / Introduction
- ILB server
- URL / How to do it…
- Image Packaging Systems (IPSes) / Introduction
- inactive BE
- package, mounting / Mounting, unmounting, installing, and uninstalling a package in an inactive boot environment, How to do it…
- package, unmounting / Mounting, unmounting, installing, and uninstalling a package in an inactive boot environment, How to do it…
- package, installing / Mounting, unmounting, installing, and uninstalling a package in an inactive boot environment, How to do it…
- package, uninstalling / Mounting, unmounting, installing, and uninstalling a package in an inactive boot environment, How to do it…
- incomplete state / Introduction
- inetd-controlled network services
- administering / Administering inetd-controlled network services, How to do it…
- Inherited (I) / Playing with least privileges
- Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS) / Handling logs and caches
- installed state / Introduction
- Integrated Load Balance (ILB)
- configuring / Configuring Integrated Load Balancer, Getting ready, How to do it…
- Direct Server Return (DSR) method / Configuring Integrated Load Balancer
- Network Address Translate (NAT) method / Configuring Integrated Load Balancer
- overview / An overview of the recipe
- Interactive (IA) class / Introduction
- Interface NCU / Playing with Reactive Network Configuration
- Internet Systems Consortium Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (ISC DHCP) / Configuring the DHCP server
- IP Filter settings / Playing with Reactive Network Configuration
- about / Internet Protocol Multipathing, How to do it…
- deploying, configurations / Internet Protocol Multipathing
- overview / An overview of the recipe
- IPS history
- IPS local repository
- configuring / Configuring an IPS local repository, How to do it…
- URL, for image download / Getting ready
- IPS Package Manager interface
- about / Discovering the IPS Package Manager interface
- launching / How to do it…
- working / An overview of the recipe
- IPS publisher
- managing, on Oracle Solaris 11 / Managing an IPS publisher on Solaris 11, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- IPS repository / Introduction
- L2ARC / Handling logs and caches
- least privilege
- about / Playing with least privileges
- least privileges
- playing with / Playing with least privileges, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- light-weight process (LWP) / How to do it…
- Limited (L) / Playing with least privileges
- link aggregation
- setting / Setting the link aggregation, Getting ready, How to do it…
- Aggregation_1 example / Setting the link aggregation
- overview / An overview of the recipe
- Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) / Setting the link aggregation
- Link NCU / Playing with Reactive Network Configuration
- link protection
- configuring / Configuring link protection and the DNS Client service, How to do it…
- overview / An overview of the recipe
- Location Profile
- Logical Unit (LUN) / How to do it…
- logs
- about / Introduction
- logs, ZFS
- handling / Handling logs and caches, Getting ready, How to do it…
- manifests
- handling / Handling manifests and profiles, How to do it…
- manifests types, AI framework
- default / How to do it…
- custom / How to do it…
- mirror repository
- Modular Debugger (MDB) / How to do it…
- nat-timeout value / How to do it…
- about / Playing with Reactive Network Configuration
- Automatic profile / Playing with Reactive Network Configuration
- user-defined profile / Playing with Reactive Network Configuration
- ncsize parameter / How to do it…
- netcat
- URL / How to do it…
- netcfg command / How to do it…
- netstat command / How to do it…
- Network Address Translate (NAT) method / Configuring Integrated Load Balancer
- network bridging
- configuring / Configuring network bridging, Getting ready, How to do it…
- Network Configuration Units (NCUs) / Playing with Reactive Network Configuration
- nicstat tool
- URL / How to do it…
- non-global zones (children zones)
- about / Introduction
- shared-IP / Introduction
- exclusive-IP / Introduction
- Oracle Solaris 10
- URL / Getting ready
- Oracle Solaris 10 physical host
- migrating, to Oracle Solaris 11 Zone / Working with migrations from physical Oracle Solaris 10 hosts to Oracle Solaris 11 Zones, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- Oracle Solaris 11
- repository, URL / Introduction
- overview / Introduction
- current package publisher, determining / Determining the current package publisher
- package, installing / Listing and collecting the information and dependencies of a package, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- IPS publisher, managing / Managing an IPS publisher on Solaris 11, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- references / References
- services, troubleshooting / Troubleshooting Oracle Solaris 11 services
- processes priority, managing / Managing processes' priority on Solaris 11, How to do it…
- performance, monitoring / Monitoring the performance on Oracle Solaris 11, How to do it…
- Oracle Solaris 11 services
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting Oracle Solaris 11 services, How to do it…
- Oracle Solaris 11 Zone
- Oracle Solaris 10 physical host, migrating to / Working with migrations from physical Oracle Solaris 10 hosts to Oracle Solaris 11 Zones, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- Oracle Solaris 11.1 Automated Installer
- URL, for downloading / Getting ready
- Oracle Solaris Administration
- SMB and Windows Interoperability, URL / References
- Oracle Solaris Tunable Parameters Reference Manual
- URL / References
- Oracle Solaris Zones
- about / Introduction
- packages
- information, collecting / How to do it…
- information, listing / How to do it…
- dependencies, collecting / How to do it…
- dependencies, listing / How to do it…
- content, verifying / Installing a package, verifying its content, and fixing the package corruption, How to do it…
- problem, fixing / Installing a package, verifying its content, and fixing the package corruption, How to do it…
- installing / Installing a package, verifying its content, and fixing the package corruption, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- freezing / Managing the IPS history and freezing and uninstalling packages, How to do it…
- uninstalling / Managing the IPS history and freezing and uninstalling packages, How to do it…
- publishing, into repository / Getting ready, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- creating / Creating your own package and publishing it, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- publishing / Getting ready, How to do it…
- packages, inactive BE
- unmounting / Getting ready, How to do it…
- mounting / Getting ready, An overview of the recipe
- installing / Getting ready, How to do it…
- uninstalling / Getting ready
- passwd command / Configuring and using RBAC
- performance
- on Oracle Solaris 11, monitoring / Monitoring the performance on Oracle Solaris 11, How to do it…
- Permitted (P) / Playing with least privileges
- persist-timeout value / How to do it…
- pfexec command / Configuring and using RBAC
- physical to virtual (P2V) migration / Working with migrations from physical Oracle Solaris 10 hosts to Oracle Solaris 11 Zones
- pkg history command / An overview of the recipe
- pkg purge-history command / An overview of the recipe
- ppriv command / How to do it…
- privilege, RBAC framework / Configuring and using RBAC
- privileges, process
- Effective (E) / Playing with least privileges
- Inherited (I) / Playing with least privileges
- Permitted (P) / Playing with least privileges
- Limited (L) / Playing with least privileges
- processes priority
- managing, in Oracle Solaris 11 / Managing processes' priority on Solaris 11, How to do it…
- process execution
- monitoring / Getting ready, How to do it…
- handling / Getting ready, How to do it…
- process statuses
- O / How to do it…
- S / How to do it…
- R / How to do it…
- T / How to do it…
- Z / How to do it…
- W / How to do it…
- profile, RBAC framework / Configuring and using RBAC
- profiles
- Location Profiles / Playing with Reactive Network Configuration
- NCP / Playing with Reactive Network Configuration
- about / Playing with Reactive Network Configuration, How to do it…
- handling / Handling manifests and profiles, How to do it…
- profile shell, RBAC framework / Configuring and using RBAC
- properties, ZFS
- publisher
- pinning / Pinning publishers, An overview of the recipe
- URI, modifying / Changing the URI and enabling and disabling a publisher, How to do it…
- disabling / Changing the URI and enabling and disabling a publisher, How to do it…
- enabling / Getting ready, How to do it…
- removing / How to do it…
- about / Introduction
- configuring / Configuring and using RBAC, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- using / Configuring and using RBAC, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- RBAC framework
- about / Configuring and using RBAC
- role / Configuring and using RBAC
- profile / Configuring and using RBAC
- authorization / Configuring and using RBAC
- privilege / Configuring and using RBAC
- execution attributes / Configuring and using RBAC
- profile shell / Configuring and using RBAC
- security policy / Configuring and using RBAC
- ready state / Introduction
- Realtime (RT) class / Introduction
- references, AI server / References
- references, networking / References
- references, Oracle Solaris 11 / References
- references, Oracle Solaris 11 services / References
- references, RBAC
- about / An overview of the recipe
- references, zones / References
- repository
- packages, publishing into / Getting ready, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- complex applications, inserting into / Getting ready, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- search order, changing / Removing a repository and changing the search order, An overview of the recipe
- removing / Removing a repository and changing the search order
- resident set size (RSS) / How to do it…
- resource manager
- used, for managing zone / Managing a zone using the resource manager, Getting ready, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- resource pool
- using / Managing a zone using the resource manager
- disadvantage / Managing a zone using the resource manager
- exploring / Playing with Reactive Network Configuration, How to do it…
- about / Playing with Reactive Network Configuration
- overview / An overview of the recipe
- role, RBAC framework / Configuring and using RBAC
- roleadd command / Configuring and using RBAC
- rolemod command / Configuring and using RBAC
- root pool
- mirroring / Mirroring the root pool, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- round robin algorithm / Configuring Integrated Load Balancer
- running state / Introduction
- scheduling classes, process scheduler
- Time Sharing (TS) / Introduction
- Interactive (IA) / Introduction
- Fixed (FX) / Introduction
- System (SYS) / Introduction
- Realtime (RT) / Introduction
- Fair share scheduler (FSS) / Introduction
- secondary IPS local repository
- configuring / Configuring a secondary IPS local repository, How to do it…
- working / An overview of the recipe
- security identifier (SID) / How to do it…
- security policy, RBAC framework / Configuring and using RBAC
- Server Message Block (SMB) / Configuring ZFS sharing with the SMB share
- Service Managed Facility (SMF) / Configuring link protection and the DNS Client service
- Service Manage Facility (SMF) / How to do it…
- Service Management Facility (SMF) / How to do it…, How to do it…, Managing a zone using the resource manager
- shadowing, ZFS
- SMB share
- ZFS sharing, configuring with / Configuring ZFS sharing with the SMB share, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- about / Introduction
- tasks / Introduction
- operations, reviewing / Reviewing SMF operations
- services, creating / Creating SMF services
- SMF operations
- reviewing / Reviewing SMF operations, How to do it…
- overview / An overview of the recipe
- SMF services
- creating / Creating SMF services, How to do it…
- snapshot, ZFS
- socat
- about / How to do it…
- socat tarball application
- URL / How to do it…
- Solaris Internals
- URL / References
- solarisstudio publisher
- URL / How to do it…
- source IP hash algorithm / Configuring Integrated Load Balancer
- source IP port hash algorithm / Configuring Integrated Load Balancer
- source IP VIP hash algorithm / Configuring Integrated Load Balancer
- Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) / Configuring network bridging
- spare disks, ZFS
- configuring / Configuring spare disks, How to do it…
- states, non-global zones (children zones)
- undefined / Introduction
- incomplete / Introduction
- configured / Introduction
- installed / Introduction
- ready / Introduction
- running / Introduction
- down / Introduction
- Storage Foundation / Adding big applications into a repository
- storage pools, ZFS
- creating / Creating ZFS storage pools and filesystems, How to do it…
- devices, managing / Managing devices in storage pools, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- swap, ZFS
- working with / Playing with the ZFS swap, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- Swap Monitoring and Increasing Swap Space Using ZFS Volumes
- URL / References
- syslog
- configuring / Configuring the syslog, How to do it…
- System (SYS) class / Introduction
- System Configuration profile (SC) profile / Introduction, How to do it…
- Time Sharing (TS) class / Introduction
- Transparent Interconnect of Lots of Links (TRILL) / Configuring network bridging
- trunk link aggregation
- disadvantage / Setting the link aggregation
- using / Setting the link aggregation
- undefined state / Introduction
- URI, publisher
- usermod command / Configuring and using RBAC
- values, L4 (Communication)
- off / Setting the link aggregation
- active / Setting the link aggregation
- passive / Setting the link aggregation
- Veritas Cluster Server High Availability Solutions / Adding big applications into a repository
- virtual IP address (vip address) / How to do it…
- virtual memory size (VSZ) / How to do it…
- virtual network, zone
- using / Creating, administering, and using a virtual network in a zone, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- creating / Creating, administering, and using a virtual network in a zone, How to do it…
- administering / Creating, administering, and using a virtual network in a zone, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- virtual network interface (VNIC) / Creating, administering, and using a virtual network in a zone
- virtual network interfaces (VNICs) / Introduction
- virtual to virtual (V2V) migration / Working with migrations from physical Oracle Solaris 10 hosts to Oracle Solaris 11 Zones
- VTL (Virtual Tape Library)
- URL / References
- about / Introduction
- storage pools, creating / Creating ZFS storage pools and filesystems, How to do it…
- filesystems, creating / How to do it…
- faults, working with / Playing with ZFS faults and properties, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- properties, working with / Playing with ZFS faults and properties, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- snapshot, creating / Creating a ZFS snapshot and clone, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- clone, creating / Creating a ZFS snapshot and clone, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- filesystem, backup performing in / Performing a backup in a ZFS filesystem, How to do it…
- logs, handling / Handling logs and caches, How to do it…
- caches, handling / Handling logs and caches, How to do it…
- spare disks, configuring / Configuring spare disks, How to do it…
- snapshot, handling / Handling ZFS snapshots and clones, How to do it…
- clone, handling / Handling ZFS snapshots and clones, How to do it…
- shadowing / ZFS shadowing, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- sharing with SMB share, configuring / Configuring ZFS sharing with the SMB share, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- properties, setting / Setting and getting other ZFS properties, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- properties, getting / Setting and getting other ZFS properties, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe
- swap, working with / Playing with the ZFS swap, How to do it…
- ZFS Encryption
- URL / References
- ZFS File Data (ZFS) / How to do it…
- ZFS File Systems
- URL / References
- ZFS intent log (ZIL) / Handling logs and caches
- zfs recv command / An overview of the recipe
- zfs send command / An overview of the recipe
- zone
- overview / Introduction
- global zone (parent zone) / Introduction
- non-global zones (children zones) / Introduction
- branded zone / Introduction
- virtual network, creating / Creating, administering, and using a virtual network in a zone, How to do it…
- virtual network, using / Creating, administering, and using a virtual network in a zone, How to do it…
- virtual network, administering / Creating, administering, and using a virtual network in a zone, How to do it…
- managing, with resource manager / Managing a zone using the resource manager, Getting ready, How to do it…, An overview of the recipe