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Instant Minecraft Designs How-to

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Instant Minecraft Designs How-to

Overview of this book

The Voxel Mod Pack is a suite of mods that adds powerful new functionality to Minecraft, helping you to create beautiful and engaging structures faster and more easily than ever. In this book you'll learn how to use World Edit CUI to create and edit geometry selections."Instant Minecraft Designs How-to" will help you achieve advanced architectural feats by working through a series of exciting, practical projects. Each chapter is a standalone exercise that you can integrate into your current projects, or use as inspiration for future ones.In this book we cut out all of the unnecessary chit chat and get straight into building. Each exercise is designed to improve your building skills by introducing new and useful functions in a hands-on way.We'll start with a Tudor-style mansion, getting you used to using the basic functions and applying them in a practical way, working up to finish with a futuristic city, by which time you'll be accustomed to using World Edit CUI and Voxel Sniper commands.
Table of Contents (7 chapters)

Octagonal Chinese pagoda (Intermediate)

For this recipe, we're going to utilize the //copy, //rotate, and //paste commands in order to create a perfectly symmetrical octagonal structure. This will save us a lot of time as we are essentially only making a quarter of the structure.

Getting ready

Start by locating or creating a space on which to build the structure. I've laid out a large area and set it to Stone Slabs (//set 43) as this provides a grid-type pattern making it easier to count out blocks.

Make sure you mark your center position and keep it as you will need this position throughout this recipe. I usually mark my center position with Red Wool.

Equip your toolbar with a Red, White, and Green Wool block, Trap Door, Torch, and Stone Button to start with. We will need to interchange these items a bit for each level as we incorporate wood and stone into the pagoda. Always keep your Arrow and Wooden Pick Axe equipped.

How to do it…

Let's begin with creating our pagoda by performing the following steps:

  1. Start by creating the shape shown in the following screenshot. Make sure it is perfectly symmetrical.

  2. Once you have the Red blocks in their correct positions, break all of the White Wool. The Red blocks are going to be the uprights. The White was simply used as a guide to help get the shape correct.


    Remember, never lose your center point, and make sure it remains marked so you can find it at any time.

  3. Place an extra Red block on each of the red poles. Then put a line of Green Wool blocks in behind the Red blocks, and then cover them with a layer of White blocks.

  4. Using your Wooden Axe (WorldEdit CUI selection tool), left-click on the Red block as indicated in the previous screenshot. Then move over to the furthest Red block and right-click it.

    You should now have a rectangular grid that contains only the top layer of Red and White blocks. The Green Wool and bottom Red blocks should not be in the selected area.

  5. Now we need to give the outer façade some height. Look directly up and type //stack 4.

  6. Now place a cross member of Red Wool one block from the top, running between the red poles.

  7. Extend these cross members out by three blocks on both ends to allow for the entrances.

  8. Add the extra Red blocks on top of the cross member as illustrated in the previous screenshot.

    The end block of the overhang should line up with the center block. When we copy, rotate, and paste out this quarter to make the octagon, the overhangs will meet up (they actually overlap) and will describe the doorway.


    I've added design elements that will be repeated throughout the structure. In the 3 x 3 "window", I have used Trapdoors and set them to the upright position. I've also used Stone Buttons on each facing Red block surrounding the door area. I think this adds a fairly authentic Asian style. I have also placed some Torches for good measure.

  9. Extend the top Red blocks out by three for the diagonals and by four for all of the others making sure the overall layout is still symmetrical and placed evenly.

    Note that the end blocks on either side will need to be identical to each other because when we rotate and paste the quadrants, one end block will be replaced by the other.

  10. Create the sloped roof using Spruce Wood Slab, Spruce Wood block, and Spruce Wood.

  11. Step as shown in the preceding screenshot and then select it. We'll then stack it along the length of that section. Type //stack 7 facing along the wall and towards where the entrance will be.

    Then using Stone Bricks, Stone Brick Half Slabs, and Stone Brick steps, we'll make the end cap for the roof section we just made. We'll also make the ornate end pieces so quintessential of Asian architecture. These are called corbels. I have used three Stone Brick steps placed forwards, backwards, and one upside down.

  12. Then start filling in the diagonal section, as shown in the preceding screenshot.

    Try and mimic the straight sections in the diagonal mid-section as best as you can. Being diagonal makes it a little difficult to do perfectly, but just make sure it all joins up as neatly as possible. If you follow the previous screenshot closely, you should be fine.

  13. Next, we create the floor for the second level. Fill it in with Spruce Wood Planks.

    The end result will be the wedge shape shown in the preceding screenshot.

  14. Place a center block on this level for easy reference. Also, put the next layer of pole bases in the configuration illustrated in the previous screenshot.

    This is really just a quick revision of the previous level with some slight alterations due to the reduction in size relative to the lower level. You can continue with the design elements I have included, or create and add your own.

  15. Extend the rafters out three blocks from the cardinal aligned sides and two points for the diagonal sides, and add the roof in just like you did for the level below this.

  16. As we did for the layer below, fill in the wedge shape and place your center block. Make sure the edges are all perfectly aligned. Inset the next pole bases two blocks from the ridge of the previous roof, and repeat much of the same process as we have done for the levels below. Select the second layer of pole base and White Wool blocks, look directly upward, and use the //stack 4 command.

  17. Once you have done this, extend out the rafters and break the blocks for the windows and/or doors.

  18. Start filling in the roof section using the same pattern we have for the lower levels. Make sure the stone corbels are indented by one block for each level.

    Because the roof is becoming very small now, it should take you no time to complete it.

  19. Fill in the floor and place your next level of poles.

    The levels are getting quite small now and are very quick to build. You shouldn't need much help to complete these top levels. Only one more to go!

    The fifth level configuration of poles consists quite simply of three poles placed in one-block increments from the edge and each other, and two blocks from the apex of the lower section roof.

    The top level is left fairly open using only the Red Wool uprights and beams.

    Add whatever you like inside this section, maybe a stack of Glowstones? Now we just need to finish the very top roof off.

  20. Once your roof is done, left-click the very top of the point of the roof you just completed with your Wooden Axe. This must be directly in line with your center point blocks.

  21. Go out to the furthest diagonal point that will allow you to contain the entire structure.

  22. Drop a block on the ground if you need to and right-click that position. Make sure your selected area encloses the entire structure from the center point outward, and it should be perfectly symmetrical.

  23. Once you have your structure selected, go and stand on one of your center points. It doesn't really matter which one. Personally I stood on the tip of the very top roof. You must be in the very center of the block. If you are slightly off center, the sections will be pasted askew. If this occurs, you can use //undo and reposition yourself, and then start the process again.

  24. OK, here we go:

    //rotate 90
    //rotate 90


    You can use //rotate 90 or arrow up twice and hit Enter. You can do this to repeat each step.

    //rotate 90

    All things going well, the outer structure of your octagonal pagoda should be complete.

You should now inspect the structure to make sure that everything has lined up perfectly. Some things, however, just don't translate properly when rotating and pasting them. Torches and logs are a great example of this, and you may need to go around and correct some of those manually. Add your additional adornments, tidy up the base, and you are done with the external structure.