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Implementing AppFog

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Implementing AppFog

Overview of this book

AppFog is the leading platform-as-a-service provider of PHP, Ruby, Node.js, and Java solutions. It is used by developers worldwide to deploy tens of thousands of applications. AppFog delivers a reliable, scalable, and fast platform for deploying applications in the cloud.This book is a hands-on guide that will walk you through creating and deploying applications to the cloud using AppFog, which will allow you to get your application deployed without the hassle of setting up servers.This book demonstrates how to use the AppFog service to build an application and have it running in the Cloud. It will walk you through the initial AppFog setup process and explain how to create your first application in minutes.You will also discover how to use services such as databases to make your applications more powerful. You will also learn how to create applications from scratch.You will find out everything you need to know to get an application running in the cloud for the first time.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)
Implementing AppFog
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Configuring the database console

Most of the configuration for the database console has already been done. The one thing we need to provide is a password for the database administrator. (By default, the database administrator user name is the e-mail address you use as an AppFog user name.) Passwords are sensitive information and should never be included in application source code. Thus the console application doesn't store a password in its own files. Instead it looks for the password in an environment variable named PMA_PASSWORD. To set this variable:

  1. If your web browser isn't already showing the application control panel, go to the AppFog console and click on the application name.

  2. Click on the Env Variables button on the left side of the page.

  3. The environment variables display appears. Enter PMA_PASSWORD under Name and a password under Value.

  4. Click on Update to save the variable and restart the application.


    Creating or modifying environment variables always causes your application to restart...