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Visual SourceSafe 2005 Software Configuration Management in Practice

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Visual SourceSafe 2005 Software Configuration Management in Practice

Overview of this book

Why is Software Configuration Management important?Software Configuration Management (SCM) is the discipline of managing the building and modification of software through techniques including source-code control, revision control, object-build tracking, and release construction. SCM involves identifying the configuration of the software at given points in time, systematically controlling changes to the configuration, and maintaining the integrity and traceability of the configuration throughout the software development lifecycle.Software Configuration Management is one of the first skills a serious developer should master, after becoming proficient with his or her development tools of choice. Unfortunately, this does not always happen because the subject of SCM is not commonly taught in either academic or company training.When developing software, you need to have a manageable team development effort, track and maintain the history of your projects, sustain parallel development on multiple product versions, fix bugs, and release service packs while further developing the application. This is where the concepts of Software Configuration Management come into play; SCM is about getting the job done safer, faster, and better.Visual SourceSafe has a long history behind it. The previous versions were either loved for their ease of use and integration with other Microsoft products, or hated because the headaches caused by using them improperly. This book will help you to avoid such problems.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
Visual SourceSafe 2005 Software Configuration Management in Practice
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Creating Databases

To create a new SourceSafe database, we use the Visual SourceSafe Administrator application. After opening this application, to create a new database, use the New Database command by going to File | New Database:

This will display the welcome dialog of the Add SourceSafe Database Wizard. To continue, click Next to advance to the second page. In the second dialog, we must specify a new empty folder to create the database in.


Select a folder that is not under one of the operating system's folders. This will ease the database configuration process.

Click the Next button to advance to the next dialog. We can specify a friendly name for the new database in this dialog.

After specifying the friendly name for the database, click Next to advance to the Team Version Control Model dialog.

In this dialog, we must choose an initial version control model or checkout model for the database. Here we can choose between the two SourceSafe models:

  • Lock-Modify-Unlock Model or the Exclusive Checkout Model

  • Copy-Modify-Merge Model or the Multiple Checkout Model

This model can later be changed, if required, and we will see how in Appendix C.

After choosing the initial checkout model, the wizard has enough information to create the new database. Click Next to display the final summary dialog. If at this point you want to change any of the previous options, you can go back and make the necessary changes by clicking Back. To create the new database click Finish.

After the new database is created at the selected location, SourceSafe will display a security warning, informing about the necessary security settings that must be applied in order to secure the database.

Let's see how to enforce database security.