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The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit

By : Viktor Farcic
Book Image

The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit

By: Viktor Farcic

Overview of this book

Building on The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit, The DevOps 2.1 Toolkit: Docker Swarm, and The DevOps 2.2 Toolkit: Self-Sufficient Docker Clusters, Viktor Farcic brings his latest exploration of the DevOps Toolkit as he takes you on a journey to explore the features of Kubernetes. The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit: Kubernetes is a book in the series that helps you build a full DevOps Toolkit. This book in the series looks at Kubernetes, the tool designed to, among other roles, make it easier in the creation and deployment of highly available and fault-tolerant applications at scale, with zero downtime. Within this book, Viktor will cover a wide range of emerging topics, including what exactly Kubernetes is, how to use both first and third-party add-ons for projects, and how to get the skills to be able to call yourself a “Kubernetes ninja.” Work with Viktor and dive into the creation and exploration of Kubernetes with a series of hands-on guides.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
The End
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Creating a Cluster

The commands that will create a Minikube cluster are as follows:

cd k8s-specs
git pull
minikube start --vm-driver virtualbox
kubectl config current-context
RBAC is installed by default starting from minikube v0.26. If your version is older than that, you'll need to add --extra-config apiserver.Authorization.Mode=RBAC argument. Or, better yet, upgrade your minikube binary.

It might come in handy to have a few objects in the cluster so we'll deploy the go-demo-2 application. We'll use it to test different permutations of the authorization strategies we'll use soon.

The definition of the go-demo-2 application is the same as the one we created in the previous chapters so we'll skip the explanation and just execute kubectl create:

kubectl create \
    -f auth/go-demo-2.yml \
    --record --save-config  