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Learn Ansible

By : Russ McKendrick
Book Image

Learn Ansible

By: Russ McKendrick

Overview of this book

Ansible has grown from a small, open source orchestration tool to a full-blown orchestration and configuration management tool owned by Red Hat. Its powerful core modules cover a wide range of infrastructures, including on-premises systems and public clouds, operating systems, devices, and services—meaning it can be used to manage pretty much your entire end-to-end environment. Trends and surveys say that Ansible is the first choice of tool among system administrators as it is so easy to use. This end-to-end, practical guide will take you on a learning curve from beginner to pro. You'll start by installing and configuring the Ansible to perform various automation tasks. Then, we'll dive deep into the various facets of infrastructure, such as cloud, compute and network infrastructure along with security. By the end of this book, you'll have an end-to-end understanding of Ansible and how you can apply it to your own environments.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)

Ansible AWX

Let's get straight into installing Ansible AWX; we will need a Vagrant box, Docker installed on the Vagrant box, and finally a copy of the AWX source.

Preparing the playbook

For our installation, we will be using Ansible to prepare our Vagrant box and install Ansible AWX. To create the structure for the playbook, run the following commands:

$ mkdir awx awx/group_vars awx/roles
$ touch awx/production awx/site.yml awx/group_vars/common.yml awx/Vagrantfile

The Vagrantfile we are going to be using can be found here:

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

BOX_NAME = "centos/7"
BOX_IP = ""
PRIVATE_KEY = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"