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Network Automation Cookbook

By : Karim Okasha
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Network Automation Cookbook

By: Karim Okasha

Overview of this book

Network Automation Cookbook is designed to help system administrators, network engineers, and infrastructure automation engineers to centrally manage switches, routers, and other devices in their organization's network. This book will help you gain hands-on experience in automating enterprise networks and take you through core network automation techniques using the latest version of Ansible and Python. With the help of practical recipes, you'll learn how to build a network infrastructure that can be easily managed and updated as it scales through a large number of devices. You'll also cover topics related to security automation and get to grips with essential techniques to maintain network robustness. As you make progress, the book will show you how to automate networks on public cloud providers such as AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Azure. Finally, you will get up and running with Ansible 2.9 and discover troubleshooting techniques and network automation best practices. By the end of this book, you'll be able to use Ansible to automate modern network devices and integrate third-party tools such as NAPALM, NetBox, and Batfish easily to build robust network automation solutions.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)

Collecting IOS device facts

In this recipe, we will outline how to collect device facts from Cisco devices with Ansible. This information includes the serial number, IOS version, and all the interfaces on the devices. Ansible executes several commands on managed IOS devices in order to collect this information.

Getting ready

The Ansible controller must have IP connectivity with the managed network devices, and SSH must be enabled on the IOS devices.

How to do it...

  1. Create a new playbook called pb_collect_facts.yml in the same ch2_ios folder with the following information:
- name: "PLAY 1: Collect Device Facts"
hosts: core,wan
- name: "P1T1: Gather Device Facts"
register: device_facts
- debug: var=device_facts

How it works...

We run this new playbook against all nodes within the core and wan group, and we use the ios_facts module to collect the information from the managed IOS devices. In this recipe, we use the debug module to print out the information that was collected from the ios_facts module. The following is a subset of the information that was discovered:

ok: [core01 -> localhost] => {
"Ansible_facts": {
"net_all_ipv4_addresses": [
< ---------- Snippet ------------ >
"net_hostname": "core01",
"net_interfaces": {
< ---------- Snippet ------------ >
"Vlan10": {
"bandwidth": 1000000,
"description": null,
"duplex": null,
"ipv4": [
"address": "",
"subnet": "24"
"lineprotocol": "up",
"macaddress": "aabb.cc80.e000",
"mediatype": null,
"mtu": 1500,
"operstatus": "up",
"type": "Ethernet SVI"

"net_iostype": "IOS",
"net_serialnum": "67109088",
"net_system": "ios",
"net_version": "15.1",
< ------------ Snippet ------------ >

From the preceding output, we can see some of the main facts that the ios_facts module has captured from the devices, including the following:

  • net_all_ipv4_addresses: This list data structure contains all the IPv4 addresses that are configured on all the interfaces on the IOS device.
  • net_interfaces: This dictionary data structure captures the status of all of the interfaces on this device and their operational state, as well as other important information, such as a description and their operational state.
  • net_serialnum: This captures the serial number of the device.
  • net_version: This captures the IOS version running on this device.

There's more...

Using the information that is collected from the ios_facts module, we can generate structured reports for the current state of the network and use these reports in further tasks. In this section, we will outline how to modify our playbook to build this report.

Add a new task to the pb_collect_facts.yml playbook, as shown in the following code:

- name: "P1T2: Write Device Facts"
path: ./facts.yml
create: yes
block: |
{% for host in play_hosts %}
{% set node = hostvars[host] %}
{{ node.Ansible_net_hostname }}:
serial_number: {{ node.Ansible_net_serialnum }}
ios_version: {{ node.Ansible_net_version }}
{% endfor %}
{% for host in play_hosts %}
{% set node = hostvars[host] %}
{% if node.Ansible_net_interfaces is defined %}
{% if node.Ansible_net_interfaces.Loopback0 is defined %}
- {{ node.Ansible_net_interfaces.Loopback0.ipv4[0].address }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
run_once: yes
delegate_to: localhost

We use the blockinfile module to build a YAML file called facts.yml. We use Jinja2 expressions within the blockinfile module to customize and select the information we want to capture from the Ansible facts that were captured from the ios_facts task. When we run the pb_collect_facts.yml playbook, we generate the facts.yml file, which has the following data:

serial_number: 90L4XVVPL7V
ios_version: 16.06.01
serial_number: 9UOFOO7FH19
ios_version: 16.06.01
serial_number: 67109088
ios_version: 15.1
serial_number: 67109104
ios_version: 15.1

See also...