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101 Excel 2013 Tips, Tricks and Timesavers

By : John Walkenbach
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101 Excel 2013 Tips, Tricks and Timesavers

By: John Walkenbach

Overview of this book

Excel is a popular program. Millions of people throughout the world use it on a regular basis. But it’s a safe bet that the vast majority of users have yet to discover some of the amazing things this product can do. 101 Excel 2013 Tips, Tricks, & Timesavers?is packed with information that you need to know in order to confidently and seamlessly master the challenges that come with using Excel! Excel 2013 is excellent, but there's lots to learn to truly excel at Excel! In this latest addition to his popular Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf series, John Walkenbach, aka "Mr. Spreadsheet," shares new and exciting ways to accomplish and master all of your spreadsheet tasks. From taming the Ribbon bar to testing and tables, creating custom functions, and overcoming "impossible" charts, mixing nesting limits, and more,?101 Excel 2013 Tips, Tricks, & Timesavers?will save you time and help you avoid common spreadsheet stumbling blocks.
Table of Contents (10 chapters)
Free Chapter
Table of Contents
Title Page

Tip 61: Working with Credit Card Numbers

If you’ve ever tried to enter a 16-digit credit card number into a cell, you may have discovered that Excel always changes the last digit to a zero. Even worse, maybe you didn’t discover the changed credit card number until it was too late.

Why does Excel change your numbers? The reason is that Excel can handle only 15 digits of numerical accuracy.

Entering credit card numbers manually

If you need to store credit card numbers in a worksheet, you have three options:

Precede the credit card number with an apostrophe. Excel then interprets the data as a text string rather than as a number.

Preformat the cell or range by using the Text number format. Select the range, choose Home⇒Number and then select Text from the Number Format drop-down control.

Enter the card number with dashes or spaces. Embedding a dash character (or any other non-numeric character) forces Excel to interpret...