Visualizing a Simple Graph
The TV show Friends was one of the most popular sitcoms of the 1990s and early 2000s. The show centered around six friends: Ross, Rachel, Joey, Chandler, Monica, and Phoebe. If you've never heard of the show or these characters, you're either super young or trapped in a cave.
These six characters become involved in a lot of romances with each other of various types: real romances, fantasy romances that never amount to anything, play romances based on some dare or competition, and so on.
Think of these characters as six nodes or vertices on the graph. The relationships between them are edges. Off the top of my head, I can think of these edges:
- Ross and Rachel, obviously
- Monica and Chandler end up married.
- Joey and Rachel have a little romance going but ultimately decide it's too weird.
- Chandler and Rachel meet each other in a flashback episode over a pool table mishap, and Rachel imagines what it'd be like to be with Chandler.
- Chandler and...