Formulas for Locating and Pulling Values
If I didn't assume you at least knew some formulas in Excel (SUM
, and so on), we'd be here all day. And I want to get started. But there are some formulas used a lot in this book that you've probably not used unless you've dug deep into the wonderful world of spreadsheets. These formulas deal with finding a value in a range and returning its location or on the flip side finding a location in a range and returning its value.
I want to cover a few of those on the Calories tab.
Sometimes you want to know the place in line of some element in a column or row. Is it first, second, third? The MATCH
formula handles that quite nicely. Below your calorie data, label A18 as Match. You can implement the formula one cell over in B18 to find where in the item list above the word “Hamburger” appears. To use the formula, you supply it a value to look for, a range to search in, and a 0 to force it to give...