Scoring Guide (for Individuals)
While the Data Fluency Inventory (DFI) was created as a tool to help organizations assess their level of data fluency, individuals interested in improving their skills with regard to data literacy and data product authoring can also use it. Below is a scoring guide to assist individuals in their self-assessment and self-improvement journey.
What Can You Measure as an Individual?
At the individual level, the DFI measures competency with respect to data consumer literacy (Chapter 4) and data product authoring (Chapter 5). The DFI can provide a valuable self-assessment tool for individuals who want to be better and more critical consumers of data in work environments where data is a language of choice. Most knowledge economy jobs now require individuals to re-package data for either internal or external audiences. The DFI can help you assess your data authoring skills and suggest areas for improvement. Lastly, as career mobility often depends on a favorable...