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Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel - Second Edition

By : Gordon S. S. Linoff
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Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel - Second Edition

By: Gordon S. S. Linoff

Overview of this book

Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel, 2nd Edition shows you how to leverage the two most popular tools for data query and analysis—SQL and Excel—to perform sophisticated data analysis without the need for complex and expensive data mining tools. Written by a leading expert on business data mining, this book shows you how to extract useful business information from relational databases. You'll learn the fundamental techniques before moving into the "where" and "why" of each analysis, and then learn how to design and perform these analyses using SQL and Excel. Examples include SQL and Excel code, and the appendix shows how non-standard constructs are implemented in other major databases, including Oracle and IBM DB2/UDB. The companion website includes datasets and Excel spreadsheets, and the book provides hints, warnings, and technical asides to help you every step of the way. Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel, 2nd Edition shows you how to perform a wide range of sophisticated analyses using these simple tools, sparing you the significant expense of proprietary data mining tools like SAS.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
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Gordon Linoff and I have written three and a half books together. (Four, if we get to count the second edition of Data Mining Techniques as a whole new book; it didn't feel like any less work.) Neither of us has written a book without the other before, so I must admit to a tiny twinge of regret upon first seeing the cover of this one without my name on it next to Gordon's. The feeling passed very quickly as recollections of the authorial life came flooding back—vacations spent at the keyboard instead of in or on the lake, opportunities missed, relationships strained. More importantly, this is a book that only Gordon Linoff could have written. His unique combination of talents and experiences informs every chapter.

I first met Gordon at Thinking Machines Corporation, a now long-defunct manufacturer of parallel supercomputers where we both worked in the late eighties and early nineties. Among other roles, Gordon managed the implementation of a parallel relational database designed to support complex analytical queries on very large databases. The design point for this database was radically different from other relational database systems available at the time in that no trade-offs were made to support transaction processing. The requirements for a system designed to quickly retrieve or update a single record are quite different from the requirements for a system to scan and join huge tables. Jettisoning the requirement to support transaction processing made for a cleaner, more efficient database for analytical processing. This part of Gordon's background means he understands SQL for data analysis literally from the inside out.

Just as a database designed to answer big important questions has a different structure from one designed to process many individual transactions, a book about using databases to answer big important questions requires a different approach to SQL. Many books on SQL are written for database administrators. Others are written for users wishing to prepare simple reports. Still others attempt to introduce some particular dialect of SQL in every detail. This one is written for data analysts, data miners, and anyone who wants to extract maximum information value from large corporate databases. Jettisoning the requirement to address all the disparate types of database users makes this a better, more focused book for the intended audience. In short, this is a book about how to use databases the way we ourselves use them.

Even more important than Gordon's database technology background are his many years experience as a data mining consultant. This has given him a deep understanding of the kinds of questions businesses need to ask and of the data they are likely to have available to answer them. Years spent exploring corporate databases have given Gordon an intuitive feel for how to approach the kinds of problems that crop up time and again across many different business domains:

  • How to take advantage of geographic data. A zip code field looks much richer when you realize that from zip code you can get to latitude and longitude, and from latitude and longitude you can get to distance. It looks richer still when your realize that you can use it to join in Census Bureau data to get at important attributes, such as population density, median income, percentage of people on public assistance, and the like.
  • How to take advantage of dates. Order dates, ship dates, enrollment dates, birth dates. Corporate data is full of dates. These fields look richer when you understand how to turn dates into tenures, analyze purchases by day of week, and track trends in fulfillment time. They look richer still when you know how to use this data to analyze time-to-event problems such as time to next purchase or expected remaining lifetime of a customer relationship.
  • How to build data mining models directly in SQL. This book shows you how to do things in SQL that you probably never imagined possible, including generating association rules for market basket analysis, building regression models, and implementing naïve Bayesian models and scorecards.
  • How to prepare data for use with data mining tools. Although more than most people realize can be done using just SQL and Excel, eventually you will want to use more specialized data mining tools. These tools need data in a specific format known as a customer signature. This book shows you how to create these data mining extracts.

The book is rich in examples and they all use real data. This point is worth saying more about. Unrealistic datasets lead to unrealistic results. This is frustrating to the student. In real life, the more you know about the business context, the better your data mining results will be. Subject matter expertise gives you a head start. You know what variables ought to be predictive and have good ideas about new ones to derive. Fake data does not reward these good ideas because patterns that should be in the data are missing and patterns that shouldn't be there have been introduced inadvertently. Real data is hard to come by, not least because real data may reveal more than its owners are willing to share about their business operations. As a result, many books and courses make do with artificially constructed datasets. Best of all, the datasets used in the book are all available for download at

I reviewed the chapters of this book as they were written. This process was very beneficial to my own use of SQL and Excel. The exercise of thinking about the fairly complex queries used in the examples greatly increased my understanding of how SQL actually works. As a result, I have lost my fear of nested queries, multi-way joins, giant case statements, and other formerly daunting aspects of the language. In well over a decade of collaboration, I have always turned to Gordon for help using SQL and Excel to best advantage. Now, I can turn to this book. And you can, too.

—Michael J. A. Berry